I would have done ok in the flora fauna but not great - having this multi choice helped scores a lot. We always threw some easy ones in there as well so no one has ever come out of the flora fauna with a 0. Flora fauna made up less than 20% of your overall score...
Following a compass bearing for a set distance to find a card was hard for a lot of people... some people were pretty good but always guessed their bearing was out not their distance estimation! Getting people to work out a magnetic bearing from their map has always been hard - made harder if you are only using a tiny little compass and don't have a flat surface to put your map on... Again navigation was only worth less than 20% of the score and most people got half the points for being able to read the map if not work out the bearings. What was funny was you would ask them what was at "grid reference" and everyone would look at the map EVEN if they could actually see the point from their location! That tripped a few
Overall the team really enjoys the event and we have had a lot of fun with it over the 5 years we have run it. We are genuinely disappointed that it hasn't been successful.
Our other pure shooting events these days are selling out or very close to it. Hihitahi needs to be about 70% full to break even and most years we were about 50% or a little more.