Teds auction catalogue is now online.
Militaria Auction
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Teds auction catalogue is now online.
Militaria Auction
time to have a look and see how deep my pockets are for the auction.
I look forward to seeing a few of you there.
Hopefully I will get what I am after, but I'm sure others pockets will be deeper than mine.
Thanks for that! Plenty to perverse at!
Always happy to help.
I guess I will have to decided what day to go this time, as I'm sure I wont get to go to both. Which is probably a good thing I guess.
I'll see if my mates going, may get a chance of a Fallow on the way back! Some nice gear there for sure. Haven't been to an auction of Teds before
I missed the last one as I was in a cast, otherwise I would have gone. Saved my wallet though.
Not sure what to bid on this time. So much to chose from plus I might end up bidding for others which could be interesting
Ted will put estimates of what he expects some lots to go for in the catalogue and they are almost always much lower than prices paid on the day
Also don't forget the buyer's premium and it ends up a rather expensive weekend
Not to put anyone off but I found it an easy way to lighten the wallet
Don't know if I'll make it yet but will put up here if I go if anyone wants something PM me then