Bloody good fun I thought. Pretty happy with my results all considering I was finishing up loading Thursday at midnight and shooting a 20ish round zero Friday evening after work. Didn't quite manage the 50% I'd hoped to follow up with from Day 1 but ended up with a total score of 9 which I'm happy with.
I was shocked to learn I actually preferred a higher wind than a really gentle wind. I was one of the guys that stuck around to have a wee play on the long range and after shooting a few at 500 odd yards. Managed to get the 700m target in a decent wind and then managed a 1st round hit on 800m and 900m a bit later and a finished my day off with shooting the 1000m target with a second round hit after the firstt went low. Followed up with the exact same hold and made a hit so I cracked 1000yards for the first time ever and did so with a 223 in 9-10mph crosswind. Stoked!
What's behind the target made a huge difference in spotting shots with the 223 and I actually found it much easier to spot misses in the short grass behind the 7-1000m targets than i could tell hits on the steel in the wind. Ah huge thanks to everyone in our squad I felt like I learned a lot this weekend especially on getting a basic understanding of wind.
All in all a great little event