Bluebridge, and they accepted my yuppie, diesel burning Ute with two E bikes on the back and @Savos Lycra pants. Retirement is not all bad!
How’s lockdown? You’ll be voting cindy back if this keeps up?
Bluebridge, and they accepted my yuppie, diesel burning Ute with two E bikes on the back and @Savos Lycra pants. Retirement is not all bad!
How’s lockdown? You’ll be voting cindy back if this keeps up?
Boom, cough,cough,cough
All your needs to complete the trip is a small generator to top the bikes up, there are 2 stroke ones available, very light and portable.
Don’t be silly, I’ve got a wind turbine on the handle bars! Seriously have looked at a small genset, cannot find one small enough, any info @Marty Henry?
Boom, cough,cough,cough
Will you be giving a motorbike stunt riding demonstration??
@Maca49 I have a powermax brand 2 stroke 650 watt generator about the size of a box of 12 waikato stubbies probably weighs as much as well it has a carry handle on top. It was used to run a crutching plant when I chased sheep for a living. It has a 12 v output as well. Had it for 8 plus years, only problem was occasional broken starter cords.
I've seen slightly larger 900 or so watt ones in mitre 10 in Palmy.
Might be worth looking into.
All the best for a good one @Pengy. Just beware of those cougars mate. They're killer whales in drag![]()
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.
@Pengy , the date is on the calender, Let me know what assistance, if any, is required.
@Pengy There was some good buggers from back then & must have been TV black outs, hey,l turn 60 on the 10th Dec .We have a week at a mates Batch Spear fishing & running amok booked .
Congrats & have a good one,from another bugger Growing Old Disgracefully![]()
"Fair Winds and Following Seas" - Capt Ron You Glorious Bastard.
"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help. " President Ronald Reagan