I have just gotten back home from the show. My first impression on arriving at the car park was “wow what a great turnout” but I guess that was to be expected after a three year hiatus. On entering the hall I immediately thought that there were to many people for my liking as it was difficult to access the stalls but I did manage to circumnavigate the show and then wandered aisle by aisle catching up with some forum members and other friends and acquaintances from my hunting and shooting exploits over the years (I even spent a bit of dough on a couple of Christmas gifts for my youngest). In the end I have to say that I was disappointed and old @Maca49 and I bemoaned how much things have gone down hill since that mad Aussie twit Brenton Tarrant was erroneously issued with a firearms license. One of my reasons for attending previous shows was to purchase ammo and another was to catch up with some mates over a beer. Neither of these goals were fulfilled at todays show as ammo was pretty scarce and some woke cunt must have decided that selling grog at the show was a “no go”. I was also disappointed (but not surprised) to learn that the Police were over stepping their authority at the show by dictating that anyone purchasing an A category firearm could only pick it up within a certain timeframe and then had to take it to the Police to show their FAL and have the serial number recorded against their name (remind me again when the recent firearms register legislation comes into effect). All in all, I am afraid that the show did not meet my expectations and I am resolved that I will not attend another but more than that, I am afraid that to many other attendees will feel similarly and the show will eventually dwindle into oblivion. Such a fucking shame.