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Weekend of 22/23/24 May
In the Maruia/Springs Junction area.
Who would be keen on a little road trip and a 4WD jaunt up a river to a private hut and a lil bit of land, Heaps of firewood and a decent campfire spot.
Room to set up some targets. plinking range for the kids, longer range for the bigger kids.
A hop step and a jump to Lake Daniells to flick a line for a trout. (Just over an hour and a quarter brisk walk from the hut)
Plenty of areas to go for a stalk, no guarantees on animals although pigs and a few deer have been seen in the riverbeds lately.
The hut has roof/tank water, two bunk rooms that sleep 4 bodies each, pot belly fireplace. plenty of room for tents although it isn't the flattest.
No cooking facilities so B.Y.O cookers etc.
The track in starts off as a forestry track that then enters the river bed for around 4km and then a km of track through the bush to get to Thompsons flat and the hut.
The river is mostly small rocks/gravel with a couple of rougher spots, the water generally isn't an issue depth wise but this can change depending on rainfall obviously. We have taken in families in bog standard Isuzu MU's and Suzuki Vitara's etc without any issues, although scratches and panel damage are always a potential risk.
Once ensconced at the hut, there is the option for anyone suitably equipped to go drive some harder/muddier tracks if the desire hits them.
Drag some dead trees out of the forest, chainsaw up some fire wood and set up for a great camping weekend away.
I'll post a couple of pictures soon to give you an idea of the place.
Thoughts, Questions, Expressions of Interest, fire away.