Well Maca not really holding out for a true and accurate answer, just wanting to have them think .....
Well Maca not really holding out for a true and accurate answer, just wanting to have them think .....
Give Hudson a bit of slack. He has fronted in many places and listened reasonably; which action is eons better than the Coalition of Losers has done. He is also on the review committee alongside his potential partner from ACT, David Seymour. @Maca49 and others at least had the gumption to make use of the window that Hudson went out of his way to provide in order to listen.
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.
Boom, cough,cough,cough
Maybe; but COLFO has yet to take the COL stable into a court. I will be dissappointed if COLFO does not pursue a constitutional and procedural challenge.
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.
Just made another donation to help that along. I see no other course of action as having effect. All the submissions on the 2nd tranche basically shrugged off Botox-style; a couple of wrinkles slightly smoothed out but still the same dog's-ass-ugly face of Stalinda's undemocratic overreach.
It would have been interesting to hear him at Tauranga and see if there was any difference to his delivery at the Pongaroa meeting. At Pongaroa he was talking to farmers, and I think he could see the pest control implications of the law change. He also clearly said no political party will have the ability (implying also no desire) to 'roll back' the law changes to allow general access to semi autos. So Nationals policy can be seen to be semi autos for sports shooters in a regime something like pistol rules, and wider access to semi autos for pest control under very tight conditions, and that's it. Anyone hoping for more is likely to be disappointed. Still better than Aussie though.
My today's COLFO donation confirmation number is just over 4,000 - so not that much of a percentage of LFAOs are putting their money behind this effort. For the record.
@Ben Waimata - what i really want to see is how National and specifically Mr Hudson responds to the 3 tiny changes to the proposed tranche 2 drafting...
That will be the measure of the man and Nationals intent or are they just giving it lip service. Surely the changes to ranges, ability to remain silent, role of the Police in defining what is allowed and what isn't - is far more important than the window dressing provided thus far!
I'm drawn to the mountains and streams, its where life is clear, where the world makes most sense!
@DavidGunn I agree.
I am curious to see how the 20th Dec will pass and be reported in the Lügenpresse. I intend to go down to to local cop shop that day after work to see how many last-minute hand-ins will take place.
I'll be getting my modified 12G checked in the next day or two - if the local constabulary will agree to check it. Either way, I'll be recording the interactions.
The media will give it a one day splurge pointing out how many criminals are now out and about and walking among us...the timing of the 20th was ideally picked with Xmas, gummint shut down, holiday season and in the New Year wont want to talk about it until the big remembrance day in March...then business as usual leading up to election time.