Often you get the top places taken by wuss-bag rabbit calibers.
When I get the say, it will be like the Taupo Branch BIG BALLS shoot with a minimum foot poundage.
Nah - actually its like Gillie says its the nut behind the butt. Real keen shooters will have a .22 cal but I expect they would still come out on top placings if they used .308s. Same goes for the expensive gear - someone who shoots a lot justifies spending a lot on it but you don't have to. I reckon also, someone who has a nice reliable, good feeling, clear sighted rifle enjoys it more and gets out to more shoots. Another factor could be, like Woody said, that sticking with one expensive rifle is cheaper in the long run and you know about the man with one gun ... There were plenty of nice gear all the way up and down the rankings, several more nice sakos, the switch barrel Carl Gustav and the customised 6.5x55 that cost under $400 I'm told.
Age is another thing: generally older shooters shoot better (up to about 60yo IMHO). A 20 something is really up against it in competition (but not in having fun - it's a level playing field there !). It was good to see a pretty even spread of ages across the decades.