Is he towing anything right now?
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You do realise there's more than one of them :)
It is Dannevegas after all ;)
I'll be there for breakfast
Save me some "Special K" cereal with Organic Natural Yoghurt and Strawberries with a drop or two of Soya Trim Milk.
Oh and a freshly made organic wheatgrass smoothie with some extra tree hugging poofyness to wash it all down with would be nice too. :thumbsup:
Or a Sausage in bread and a cuppa tea, whichever is the healthiest ;)
Attachment 77317
Tempted to hang up the pickup hose, ditch the trailer, and carry on heading north. Wonder how far I'd get before central dispatch worked it out.
Or I'll leave the trailer hooked up and could bring 35,000 litres of South Island sun up
Have fun boys and girls
How's the new job going @Dundee ?