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BP garage northend Timaru good.Not the Barkery in Fairlie,coffee shit.
Everybody drive safe and get here when you can
Due to weather I am moving the shoot site to near the farmers woolshed. It will be easier to get to, and set up targets
Hope that suit everyone. the weather is out of my control
see you there
@Ryan_Songhurst saw it was shut, had to go over Lindis. Hope you northerners packed your winter willies there's some white stuff on the groundAttachment 98423
I’ve chucked in a ground cover as well, on the road in 10’
Got a fairly large tarp I grabbed off the old man, no idea on actual size but by the looks of my tent site I might be needing it....
Anyone at the holiday Park yet?
sounds like I am a bit under dressed in my jockstrap and jandals.
Have an awesome weekend all, gutted I couldn't make it (even more gutted the surgery planned has been postponed again, so could have come had my awesome DHB let me know sooner).
Look forward to the reports.
Hitting the road in 10....woohoo
Have a bloody cracker of a weekend fellas, can you south Island guys please excuse Gibo's behaviour already, and please dont judge all North Islanders by him
There is a good bunch here to celebrate the young ball sack's memory. VC has already got two to try his super gazillion hot chilli paste. Angus turned purple and Ryan melted. ha ha ha ha that shit looks like pure poison.
Just want to say have a great weekend lads and lassies. All In memory of a fine young man taken too soon. RIP Toby. Go hard at the auctions and on the range comrades... I'm off to bed. 2 more night shifts to go. [emoji17]
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Tobys turned it on for us....what a beautiful morning. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201...604c292cde.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201...bfbc74c79f.jpg
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I haven't made it (that will be obvious to those who have) which is pretty gutting. Having to find where my rifle actually was and then needing to drive a couple of hours to get it when it was tracked down (thank Fastway... Apparently the local police station is no longer any good - it was fine a couple of weeks ago). Was looking forward to putting faces to forum names and some good banter.
Anyway, have an awesome weekend, hot barrels
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I think you will find that rather than a backdrop its the backstop for the guys with the big 50s. Looks cool wish I could have made it.
Hows@Pengy; doing, I heard he was having a few issues with his rifle !!
Leave the poor Pengy alone!!!hahahaha:thumbsup:
Thanks for the update guys.RIP Toby I have been thinking about this memorial shoot while I was at the river.Next year we will be there where ever its held.
Attachment 98521
Bit rusty this morning after a few whiskeys last night. Bloody good night and auction tho.
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Great night. @Rushy, I passed you in Hampton. Wondered who the decrepid ol’ crusty was crossing the road. Looked as if he’d just got rid of a load of Harry’s finest eggs. As I got closer I could see it was a connosuir of fine ales. Yes ladies and gentlemen, he’s converted to the king of ales.....Speights.
Well I think it was you anyway. Eyes still struggling to stay open.
To everyone else I met, it was great to put faces to names.
Thanks Harry and Munsey, and everyone else that put in the long yards behind the scenes
Yes that absolutely was me crossing over from the dunny. I.saw the big rig take a swerve at me but being the spritely old coot I am, it only took a quick forward roll to avoid you. The eggs are still onboard but will that second tier beer in me I am sure they will be gone before I board my flight. was a pleasure to meet you oraki.
Hi guys
I don't know how to thank all you guys that turned up for the shoot this year. but thanks I had a great weekend meeting all of you
To the farmer John A who was good enough to let use his land and join in thanks
Darren who brought his bike around to help set up the targets on Fri afternoon (can't remember when I got a soaking like that and driving through snow to set up targets)
Munsey, jakewire, 223nut Angus, Mike and Stug for there work
All the guy that brought along there gongs for us to use
Toby's mum your a legend
But it was all you guys and gals who traveled for all over the country that made the weekend. the weather god might have helped a bit on the day
I hope everyone had a good time
Thanks again for the great weekend
Top weekend, top people.
A cracker of a day yesterday.
I was there too!
Great weekend, big thanks to those that organised and kept this thing running. Had a ball and even managed to get lead on steel this year.
Highlight would be putting faces and names to forum handles. Particularly @Harryg, a man with such great taste in music. Must be time to hit the music thread with some of the stuff I was listening to on the journey.
Great weekend, was good to meet everyone, I had only met 1 of our members before that was there, the rest of yous were all new, and to be honest I cant even remember half of your names/forum names
Cheers guys, my road trip home is nearly over
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It was a great weekend, first Toby shoot I’ve been to.
Drove down Friday in pissing rain, at one point the temp was 2deg! Snowing in the hills and Harryg and a couple of helpers were out in it putting the gongs up, player of the day award for that, followed by Smiddy who had to drive up to and via the Lewis pass as Arthur’s was washed out! The troops started arriving, it was great to meet the NI members from here and put faces to names, a few cold ones late into the evening with Stingray regaling us with some funny stories!
Saturday dawned postcard perfect, calm, cool and blue skies and the shooting began, great fun was had all day, Stug kindly let a few of us try his K95, thanks to Rushy & Phil for RO duties. After lunch we had a 330yd standing shot comp that was hotly contested and then a long range event.
A great evening was then had, big bbq feed, and then Philipo ran the funniest auction I’ve ever had the privilege to see :D followed by more hilarity.
Thanks to Harryg for organising the venue, Munsey and co, for there work in running it.
Mint weekend had with a great bunch of like minded guys. Good to put faces to names and have some ripper laughs. Thanks to the hard working crew that made it happen, we know who they are....champions, and to the land owner too for an awesome shooting venue. Thanks to Toby's mum & Luke for making it down to join us and honour Toby how he would want it.