The date is from 9th November, shooting sat 10th, clean up sun 11th meeting place Kurow holiday park
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I will be overseas at this stage on those dates but no problem supplying the meat.
If there are any guys handy with a knife showing up let me know. It will be easier for me to supply the meat as saddle, legs etc. Can be cut up to order then[emoji16]
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I'n keen, as a relatively new and quiet member will be good to meet some people in the flesh. Being in queenstown makes it easier. Looking forward to it.
In the colllectice spirit of a fart-friendly but safe enjoyable environment, I promise I won’t eat any date scones then. I do try my best to create a positive impression the first time I meet people .......
Joking aside, there is plenty of room at mine if anyone travelling to or from the event want to take a break.
I even have a double sofa bed out on the deck for the flatulanty challenged
Been talking with a guy down here. He has indicated that he may be able to help out with some gongs. I'll talk with him agaon in the new year to confirm but at this stage itlooks good hhe is a local and keen longrange shooter and has a couple of 50 cal
We need to book the Lodge Harry, or some huts if not enough for the lodge.
Shall we have a separate thread for those who will want to use it and an account for a deposit nothing else no discussion just confirmation.
Booked in
Ok, I work until 4pm Saturday.
Looks like we might not make it this time, could have the Pacific Regional shooting champs on at the same time :XD::XD::XD:
@223nut You should just ask for a full week permission slip anyway and then when you come back a few days early you can say I missed you my darling wife:thumbsup: haha
As I tell my wife" your not the boss of me" or "I don't have a mother". Puts a smile on her face to know it makes me feel good!!;)
Hmmm this thread took a twist....
If organisers need a hand flick me a p.m. Looking forward to meeting a few more forumites
I'll be keen, put my name down chaps.
Early days but we will let xmas pass and then maybe ramp things up a bit . But pissing down in Chch so im pitching this . Excuse the rawness . But is a concept .(open to suggestions) Thinking of a basic plane t shirt . Pre order , no pissing about you in or out ! . So put it out there expressions of interest . No bones about it hope to make a proffit of $ 10 -$20 ( depending on how cheep i can do these ) .
Thinking Black T White silhouette Toby & text . Will come back with art work once been to printer for options/ quote . Idea is to get some funds to help get things in order . Feed back pls
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IF YOU WOULD BE INTERESTED IN A T SHIRT (Depending on price ) like this post .
You might want to separate the word Long from the word Range and the word South from the word Island. I'd order one.
Good on yah @Munsey I’m in for one.
I'd be keen to come along if there's still room, happy to help with catering.