Use enough gun
Thanks in part to the SAS Afghan girls can now go to school. So, fat Pommy mum, screw your night classes, disability services and benefits.
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
And that fucking stiring prick has been trying to run for Christchurch Mayor the last 2 times. Tosser!
No, we have a STV single transferable voting system, the guy who got most first votes did not get in, but by the 12th or so vote count this guy came ahead on the back of peoples' 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 12th votes etc. He'd not even be my 20th choice. Hates cars because he was once in a car crash, does not even have a driving license, gets rid of parking spaces like there is no tomorrow. But he hitchhikes to work -- the suggestion going round being that people ought to force him to stay in their car until a parking space has been located.
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
Is the date correct?
Cos it looks like 2009
If so that was 12 years ago
Not a lot of support toot's from people driving past, Pricks like that forget it's because of outfits like the SAS they are allowed to protest.
No need to be offended by smelly hysterics with bad breath.
Many years back, I was in the same lift as John Minto. He and his mates were off to a ERA hearing and were sounding off. I got a wiff of Minto's breath which reeked like the dog rolling in roadkiller.
Little wonder the crowd was keeping their distance when Minto was sounding off.
I know what I'd like to kick across the room, @40mm, and it ain't my laptop.
Used to be a fine wine - now I'm vinegar.