Me mate in the trade reckons the best thing that happened to his dewalt set was getting it flogged out of the back of his truck (middle of the day in a shopping center car park on camera too the cheeky fu*ks - never saw it again though). He went to Makita - but is a little ho-hum about it.
I've always had Hitachi which became hitachi-koki and now Hikoki. It's definitely not the cheapest, but if I have to replace the entire lot I'll be going for the same brand. I've still got the cartridge type batteries which I've repacked myself - they go but aren't brilliant. Getting to the point of needing to make a move on it and flogging off what I've got, but the skins themselves are still going really well.
FENZ uses Milwaulkee gear - they have some really useful tool skins and the designs are good. In feel though, the tools are much lighter in the hand than the Hikoki gear and it doesn't reaslly fill me with confidence. Plastic reinforced chassis vs metal reinforced chassis is one of the big reasons for the difference in weight tool for tool I think, and gearbox and switchgear.