I had the same hatred of half full canisters, until I found out you can refill them from a standard LPG BBQ bottle. Much cheaper and you don't get left with a heap of half full canisters. Alot of people don't recommend it but provided you are careful it can be done safely. This revelation has meant Ive gone back to using canister stoves again.
I use one of these
Screw one end onto the canister and the other onto your LPG bottle and away you go. A scales is used to determine when its full.
In saying that, @Blue Arrow you have just cost me two days researching and building alcohol stoves. I never thought it would be so much fun. Who doesn't enjoy tinkering and fire!!!! I'll be trying one of those capillary stoves tomorrow, just need to buy some more meths, as i used it all up today.