Is there more than 1 model of the Archer available ?
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Is there more than 1 model of the Archer available ?
There is an M2 available but not for hunters. Detuned some with fancy switch modes... M1 is for us.
it was foggy as inside of a night club and drizzly to go with it...pretty hard on any light... the magtoch on medium was better than P7, on low not as ,IN THOSE CONDITIONS the centre spot of beam was a LITTLE wider on P7 its light was whiter and the archers more a soft yellow/greeny tinge
hopefully it will be clear one of these night and will get out again to recheck against the others.
Any sense of green will be in the light conditions I think.
Archer tint like other Maxtoch hunters is designed to be slightly warm of neutral - about 5500K on the Kelvin scale. This gives best colour picture or CRI (colour rendition index). The warm tint is also there to help cut through particulate (crap in the air) eg dust/fog/moisture particles. Bright or bluey white will glare of this while warmer tints will tend to cut through and give better range. Like old school foglights but not so yellow.
Many LED lights like the Led Lensers are often bluey white on the wall - high colour temperature up around 7000-8000 Kelvin. This tint washes out colour and cuts down target picture down range - not desireable.
I find my H01R is far too white on full. It washs everything out.
ahhh remember the 6vt dolphins the really good Big Jims and then we thought all our Christmas's had come at once with tiny 2x aa MAGLITES that chewed through batteries faster than a kid through licourice.... and I REMEMBER looking for deer with one of those maglites....oh how times have changed.
Ive still got a 12volt spotlight that has a scope base screwed into handle to mount it on scope with another ring...its powered by a 7amhr battery and used to last 30-45 minutes if we conserved it.....Im pretty sure the wee ARCHER has a better light that it ever had....... shit those bigger ones must be mind blowing LOL.
HO1R less of hunter tint - more of a general purpose short range camper/walker lamp
Yep - I also remember the two cell torches, then three cell, Big Jims, Dolphins, car lights with motorbike batteries, big old halogen spotties etc.
Thank God for modern LED tech :thumbsup:
AMEN to that .
he started it...I just finished it off lmfao.
Milky - you'll see where the old school foglights from your Valiant or Cortina sat on the Kelvin scale above - maybe 3500- 4000k or so. Very yellow. Later halogen spotties 4000-4500?
The reason you're seeing green in the M1 light also, especially after using your led lensers, is because you ARE seeing green. Actually seeing landscape tones/colours - that's proper CRI (colour rendition).
This is a good thing :)
lol mate they are ALL good things.
.223nut...we used to drag a rectangular 200ish liter drum around with us tied to waist with a battery sat in it floating along behind us...good place to put speared flounder too.... also remember taking tractor battery around paddocks in a wheel barrow!!!!
:D:D priceless....! Wheelbarrow!!
tractor batteries are plurry heavy........
Big consignment just arrived so will be sending out heaps of lights in next two days.
Maxtoch tell me LR headlamp in assembly right now - won't be far away - no detail yet. I will bring in a big big shipment of those because they will disappear like hotcakes. Will be a very popular hunter - dozens pre-ordered. Keen to get out with it again after lambing - a little gamechanger this one.
Great feedback too on wee M1 Archer - seems to be lighting up the country very well. Still amazes me to get so much these days out of such a tiny light - like 145mm long and weighing 135gms!! I liked one guy's review - man of few words. Just wrote " WOW! :o"
One cool little light...
Attachment 116428
Nothing like sitting in a freezing drain trying to get battery acid out of your bum crack.:faill:
Old school motorbike battery.
I remember that. We're just grateful you didn't send a photo of a burnt bumcrack too..
How can we pre-order the LR headlamp?
You already have.. I've reserved one for you and be in touch on arrival. You were interested in an XPro too I think?? They've just come in..
Cheers Mike
Just got the M1 Archer yesterday off Mike what a brilliant light :thumbsup:
Hi order for head lamp please
Yep one reserved wire - will be in touch. Cheers Mike
I had the pleasure of meeting Mudgrips this evening and got to physically look and handle all the torches. The advantage was I had a number to facets explained to me about the different torches, something you wouldn’t get in a shop.
I went to buy one and could resist coming home with 3🙄
So it was a real toss up between the 2xShooter and XPro, I settled on the xpro as generally hunt with others and more power is better right. I have the option to scope mount but if I purposely purchased to live on my rifle then I would have grabbed the 2xShooter. Also the XPro comes with bigger 21700 batteries that give a 2hr run time which is unreal. The kit comes with a case, spare switch, wrist strap, few replacement seals and plastic sleeves in case you want to run the 18560 batteries.
My son loves hanging out the truck window flicking his headlamp around, always asks for the spotlight ect. His headlamp will be flat and struggling to see the truck wheels but he is still out doing it. On this note I couldn’t resist grabbing an M1Archer for him. These take one smaller 18650 battery. Really suited to his wee rascal .22 as so small and light. The kit comes with a case, holster, wrist strap, spare switch and seals.
Also grabbed an Archer for my father as he runs a P7 ledlenser or the likes so this will give him a taste of MaxToch.
Finished the kits by grabbing spare batteries for all the torches and 2 charges. The charges have cool charging lights, come with 2 pin plug and 12 volt cigarette plug. They are a significant upgrade on the old trustfire gear we all picked up 10 odd years ago.
So to paint the picture I have read all the feedback, watched the videos ect and knew they would some of the best kit available.
So got home and gave them a wizz on marginally charged batteries. :o:o:o:o:o these things are unreal and I can honestly say the videos on line don’t do them justice as I also found out when I tried to video them in action. I would comfortable shoot a deer at 300m with the Archer. I didn’t really have the full opportunity to test the legs on the XPro but it would be fair to say it’s in a totally different league.
I’m one of those guys who researches for months before laying down my hard earned cash and this purchase I can honestly say lives up to and exceeds expectations. You always have in the back of your mind the Chinese torches makers that advertise their gear putting out a trillion candle power, get it and it hardly lights up a room. Not the MaxToch. And the other piece of mind is Gadgetman a local forum goer can fix these is required.
So in summary we are privilledged to have locals design these torches for our use, sourced locally at very reasonable prices and supported locally.
Big thumbs up by me. Thanks (PS. I don’t have shares in MaxToch)
Welcome to the MaxToch family Stag :)
They are a whole new level above led lensers
Thanks mudgripz torch arrived today. Batteries on charger, might go and give it a test/comparison with my other spotties tonight.
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M1 Archer won't compare with 2X or XPro, but for a wee one its quite something...
By no means a exhaustive or even scientific goes. First one is 3500 lumen halogen...second the Archer...
And again..
Yes the phone does not do it justice. It is a comparison though..
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Much better in real life ah? How far was the bottom tree away?
Craig are you sure Archer was on high not dropped to medium for second photo? If that tree is 100-200m away it should really light it up - like in this link - go to 8.50 secs for beamshots. This is what I see in the paddock:
The photos do not do it justice. The second tree was 150-200 metres away. Both lights were suitable for my purpose at that distance for which is spotting eyes. I don’t tend to take long shots and generally try to get closer. That might cost me some animals but can live with that. I suppose what I trying to get at is the Archer for its size and value is definitely fit for purpose. I can see me using the spottie to spot and the Archer mounted on rifle/scope to shoot with. I will need to test the theory out...[emoji51][emoji41]
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Bloody hard to get good photos - I've never managed to. But that setup you speak of is exactly what we see Archer for - a wee scope light with enough grunt to pop animals at 200m.
The Archer review link above is done by a mate Texas Dave, who helped Brian and I lots with LED/photo testing on the 2X development. But he has some very special photographic gear to get right images - not like mine!!
@mudgripz can I get replacement tail cap switches or pressure switch. All mine crapped out on the M24 sniper one. They became temperamental and the torch would turn off under recoil. Probably done 50 nights roo shooting in the year since I got it.
Gadgetman sent me some but they were too small.
PM gadgetman and send torch up to him - no probs.
Hey Mike,
I'm after an Archer, some scope mounts and a LR headlamp to set myself up for night time possum operations. Please PM me a price and payment details.
Thanks in advance
Well ...I used the Archer tonight. Started of using the spottie until it ran out of light. Used the Archer after that. Did the same job though was using the Archer on medium mostly. The max light was noticeably brighter than my spotlight the few times I tried it. Certainly easier to use the Archer when shooting (as didn’t have scope mount for it) cos it’s just handier than the spotlight.
The Archer certainly complements my system. Not sure if it would be any advantage having the bigger Maxtochs.
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Tntegral - PM sent
Tiroa - yep the little Archer great for possums - even on low beam. Interesting it is 'noticeably brighter' than your big spotlight. Part of the reason for developing the Maxtochs was to get away from the big 17 - 21- 24cm spotties with cable attachments and big batts. Wanted to move away from that to small, lightweight torches, as good on rifle as in hand. Archer is 2020 tech - tiny with huge output.
I'll have some mounts here later this week - two piece quick release setup for max stability, and a single piece mount. Either would suit your rifle. Quick on and off..