Put my name on a mount please MG
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Yep done Tim.. will be in touch
Gave the Archer and XPro a good workout last night with the kids. No cables is hugely convenient when kids are jumping over your lap to shoot from. The XPro was better than the HID spotlight and at 300m the archer was as good as any of them.
We saw a few deer and the eyes really light up. Shot a deer, pig and plenty of hares and rabbits all on a single charge. I’m sure we used the XPro for over 2hrs runtime.
I will never buy another 12v big hand held spottie again.
Exactly. A bit of my stuff has disappeared out of home with my sons that I wouldn't mind back, but I'm not worried about my old spot light. They can keep that. :)
Glad the lights are doing well for you Stag. Its a case of 12v spotties meeting 2020 tech - where a handheld like the XPro beats a big HID spottie, and a wee 5" long Archer on high cleans out big halogen spotties. :o
Runtime on a set of 21700s for the XPro is just under 2 hours continuous - or 2.5 if on 'medium' which also has like 1150 max range (ANSI). But .... we never shoot continuously! We're always stopping to play around with gear, reload, brag, fiddle with gates, eat something, have a yarn etc. So in practice you get alot longer than 2 hours.
Bit jealous actually .... hope the hills dry out enough to get out soon .......
Just a small word of caution for Archer buyers. Yes its an amazing wee light - absolute over-achiever - but as you use it and compare it with a 2X or XPro you will notice they have much greater light on target at range. You might pick up big animals at 300 with an Archer on high, but its not really a substitute for the bigger Maxtochs. They have much more power for longer range spotlighting. Archer measures around 150,000k lux (hotspot intensity for beam distance), 2X is 365,000 lux, XPro is 465 to 490,000 lux.
Archer will surprise anybody - a wee ripper - perfect for the scope and medium range. But don't want anyone thinking its the long range equal for its big brothers as a spotlight! They're something else again!!
Just finished mucking around with my M1 now.
Impressive. It will do nicely.[emoji106]
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Used the Archer again on Friday night.... it’s better than my 3500 lumen spotlight...Suffice to say its a bit of alright...
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WOW!! M1's a bit of a game changer really - extreme performance from a tiny light that retires heaps of our big spotties!!Quote:
Used the Archer again on Friday night.... it’s better than my 3500 lumen spotlight...Suffice to say its a bit of alright...
It's a jump in technology... Costs bugger all too!
Any sign of those scope mounts yet MG?
The possums are getting restless ;)
Every consignment coming out of China via HongKong has been stopped.
My last shipment due here 1-2 weeks ago has been returned to China twice. HK airport services shut down while the protests continue... Here's hoping! Lucky possum..
As soon as those kick arse head torches arrive, just send me one.
Update: all airfreight shipments through HongKong still cancelled. This includes some mount sets which otherwise would have been delivered a week ago. Just have to hope things settle there promptly...
Cheers for the update Mike. Have you got any torch mounts at all left?
None at present..
Consignment arriving today - will have a heap of mounts etc away asap...
20 new HO1Rs there.
Went for a walk on the weekend, 2hrs in the dark in the morning, Ho1R on 3, couple hrs in the dark coming back, an hr on 3 then gave it full power for the next hr to the truck. Best walking light I've used, tons of life, plenty of power, great colour on the ground. Carted along the M1 Archer too, outstanding wee light, it really is a pocket rocket of a thing!
No data at all on new LR lamp - it is in QC testing evidently!!!
Yes that little HO1R is a wee cracker of a headlamp. Very reliable little unit
Went into an outdoors shop last week and took couple of Maxtochs and a lux meter to compare them with shop's Led Lensers....
Couldn't do proper lux test as distance too short and it was daytime, but could still compare outputs of the lights on wall at about 5 meters. Shopkeeper had a brand new Led Lenser P.7.2 - same size as the little M1 Archer - so we compared them!! Only relevant point with the numbers is the comparative performance...
On my meter the Led Lenser P 7.2 on turbo boost mode read 70. The M1 Archer read 220. And the 2X read 600!! Wee Archer more than triple the output, plus five times the lumens or amount of light. And the 2X was 860% more :o. This is the difference between older 2010 type tech and new special performance hunter lights. We then tested 2X on low beam - 80! More than the Led Lenser's 70 on high. This is what real hunter lights can do...
A quick thought ... one of the most popular Maxtochs is the little HO1R headlamp, but Maxtoch advise they may take this one out of production as they don't make much from them. This would be a shame as this is an excellent wee lamp and the most reliable of all the Maxtochs - just one failed in 5-6 years.
If you are thinking of an HO1R, good idea to grab one now as this present batch I have may be the last. Note Maxtoch are keeping some at factory to cover warranty replacement. Grabbed a couple now myself..
No news on new LR lamp - still in QC ? Fair enough - if it has a glitch it needs to be well and truly ironed out before it gets here!!
Had a H01R for several years now. Only issue was a month or so ago in Borneo one of the two I had let water into it. All that happened was the red light wouldn't turn off while the water was in it. Opened it up and dried as best I could in the jungle and put some baby oil on the o-rings (I think they were a bit dry and not sealing adequately hence the leak). All good to go after that.
Be a shame for them to stop making them.
@mudgripz I am keen to order a Archer so that I have something smaller than the M24. Should I get the Archer M1 or Archer M2?
Here you go @noboots
Get the M1 id say [emoji6]
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Thanks. I will get ordering.
Yeah the M1 is the shizzle for a single battery torch :)
Just got back from 4 days down south. M1 Archer is a little ripper. So bloody handy being so compact, don’t notice at all hanging ya belt.
Perfect torch mountable light, need to dull down barrel and suppressor as was getting bad glare though. A lot of lads very impressed!!
That's great Scott - sit the light well back from scope bell and you should have no glare issue. We don't get this problem.
If suppressor is gloss, wrap a wee bit of matt camo tape around it. Easy to solve - as you've probably found
Gadgetman has sent me one of these to try torches to try. I had it out last night and I was on the phone to my uncle. His house is half a K away from mine and I was waving it around. He was very impressed as was I.
We will buy some.
Have the M1 Archer. For its size a bloody good torch. Just not sure if I can justify/have the need for the bigger one/s.
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walked up a gorse covered track on Sunday morning.....everywhere I could possible shoot as far as was lit up like daylight with the wee Archer...for walking itself I had it on lowest setting and had it on wrist strap cupped in hand and shining out through my fingers,twas almost too bright for walking light LOL. very impressed indeed.
I got the M2 Archer for walking (might make a red filter for it) and the M1 for using on the rifle. Also, got the green light M1. Throws a nice bright green spot a long way. Will try it on the rabbits and deer and see if it spooks them less than the standard M1 white.
What would you all recommend for say 2-300m on deer down to coons? Its time I got back into the poaching game (jokes)
Gibo/MSL - for that range get a 2X.
M1 Archer might stretch 200+ with bigger animals, but not best as a terrain scanner. 2X alot more light on target and designed as an all purpose spottie. BIG difference. If you want even more of a long range light then XPro. I use 2X for everything, but I will add M1 Archer as scope light.
With torches - lumens measurement means the total amount of light out front. Lux or candela measures the intensity of the torch's beamspot from which you can calculate distance. Comparison:
M1 Archer 140,000 lux
2X 365,000 lux
XPro 440,000 lux
M1 Archer good - amazing for a wee light. Depends what you're used to - if you've been using eg Led Lensers or many halogen spotlights, the Archer will be stunning. But not comparable down range with its bigger brothers.
Thank you.