What is it? 1 piece, multi piece, coated, fiberglass, brand name? etc
I need to get one!
What is it? 1 piece, multi piece, coated, fiberglass, brand name? etc
I need to get one!
Used a bit of #8 wire down the barrel to knock a stuck (empty) case down out of the chamber last night... does that count?
On track though, I've found the Dewey rods seem pretty good. One-piece, Red handle, black plasticy coating. Very smooth and rigid.
Richard sells these rods Wilhelm Arms and Optics - Christchurch - Specials
Parker hale one piece rods would be the best ive ever had, only prob has been getting new brushes and mops as theyre female thread. Hayes and associates have that sorted.
Without getting into the coated and uncoated rod discussion, I have used various brands over the years, including Parker Hale, and including polished stainless steel and coated (Parker Hale type). Also used a homemade SS one but didn't like it as it was not highly polished enough and potentially could pick up shit and peen the bore.
I now have a selection of Bore-Tech proof rods and a Tipton carbon fiber in 22- 6mm cal. I think the Bore-Tech are the pick of the coated rods - excellent shaped man sized handles with good bearings, non reacting to Cu solvents tip. Nice tough smooth coating. The Tipton also is an excellent rod (do a google on their use in Op Desert Storm). One nice feature of the Tipton is the rod actually extends thru the handle so if you get a patch stuck you can tap the end of the handle without damaging it.
One piece coated Dewey or carbon fibre Tipton with a bore guide.
I went Tiptons as the handles roll really nicely and I prefer their jags.
My Parker Hale rod & jag still get used for the rifles that I don't have bore guides for. Although I personally dislike the PH jags, they are good for a worn bore on say an old 303.
If you don't have one already, a bore guide is just as important purchase which ever rod you end up choosing.
I have one other rod which I use to clean my match 22s - a VGF SS rod and VGF felt cleaners system. For jags as per @Moutere I use Tipton spear jags which are Cu solvent proof. And of course bore guides to centre the rod and prevent solvents getting into the action/trigger group
Thanks for the replies @zimmer @Moutere @Marty Henry @6mm ackley and @StrikerNZ I acquired a Tipton carbon rod with a rifle I just purchased.
@Fireflite That's one way to get a rod. Cracker deal there.
I have about 10 Dewey coated rods great rods and cheap to import
Cheers Antz