From memory @bunji was using one of these in his wild bull shooting days. Mounted on the passenger side of the landcruiser.
From memory @bunji was using one of these in his wild bull shooting days. Mounted on the passenger side of the landcruiser.
Those who live in glass houses, shouldn't piss off Geologists.
she'd be a bit hard on the old landrovers 12volt battery though old chap. can see the advantage of the 88mm-one hit one deer-skinned cubed and hey ho into the pot (or at least what remained). once shot a hare with me no4Mk1 .303 -18gn roundnose lead slug . okIgot one lower back legwith trailing tendon -rest was compst dangling from trees ferns bushes over a fairly wide title -.303 the go all 18"naval gun". as clint eastwood says c'mon punk make my day.