In the market for one to fit 10x42 binos
What's every one running these days???
Any to avoid or any that are above the rest?
Cheers fellas
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In the market for one to fit 10x42 binos
What's every one running these days???
Any to avoid or any that are above the rest?
Cheers fellas
Keen to hear about this also. Quite keen on AGC Cub, but they look bulky. Any feedback?
I use the same bino bag that the Duleys use on their TV show. I have no idea what the brand is, I brought it from a forum member who got in two.
It works well for me.
They work well, bought one for the old boy a while back
Buy them here Bino Pouch
Using the Alaskan guide creation bino holder at the moment, nice to have them close at hand and handy, not in your pack
I normally use a badlands and find it very comfortable but its well worn on front and the magnets don't really hold it closed when bent over with vortex razors inside.
So for the roar I'm using my older AGC pouch as the strap closure is robust.
Has anybody got the swazi one, I cant quite tell how it actually works.
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AGC, I have the top two on this page, the second one is great if you run a separate rangefinder as it fits in tthe fffront pocket. I'm running the top one more and more now though and have my rangefinder on a lanyard around d my neck.
Anyone tryed vortex ones?
Just some Legend Ultra HD 10x42, @sambnz uses one the same as the second one for his Geovids and they fit fine (they are a large bino) the smaller one that I'm using can fit longer binos like Swaro EL or Trinovids etc but is at its limits with Geovids
I have the duley style one and it's nice but the zip is noisy. Now I use an Alaska guide creations and find it excellent with pocket for rangefinder on the front.
I have used a couple of different options and by far its the kuiu one,
Most are way to big and almost have a daypack on the front of them.
Other one i would look at is the solo hunter one
I use the binobro. Is awesome, light streamlined and quiet. Good price too
Sitka one is for long skinny binos, agc fit more 'stuff' in. Can just get binos (10*40 vortex) and rangerfinder in sitka.
It's taken me ages to try work out the best bino bivy system. I've tried the both TwinNeedle & Kuiu, currently still using both. (kuiu doesn't fit my Leica Geovid 10x42) Any chest style bino bivy can be a pain in the ass when needing to remove/add clothing, aswell as crawling on the ground is not ideal.
I'm going to be going with the Duley version, I think it'll suit me best. Will keep the Kuiu for my partner to use with my Vortex 10x42.
+1 to the AGC, the front pocket fits a leica RF perfect, if you don't have ranging bino's this is the next best thing as very quick to access. Does feel bulky for a kickoff but you soon get used to it. Bino's are not attached to the bivy so if you need to pass them to a useless mate who forgot his bino's to take a gander at something it's straight forward. Down side is if you bend over and the lid is not closed the bino's will fall out, so you need to keep the bino strap on your neck at all times.
With my binos bivy I can get away wih a slightly smaller pack. One thing to bare in mind is if you can take the harness off. Sitka I can't, agc I can means it's padding for binos when in truck and no straps getting caught in doors
kuiu here, had it a fair while
biggest problem with all of these systems is when you need to lie down in a hurry
I've been through a few different ones... Found Kuiu the best of the bra type ones due to no bounce when walking or having to jump but have gone the duley way as well and find it the best. Quick and easy if you have to take or add layers of clothes on/off and no restriction when glassing ie the binos aren't connected to the strap etc.
Could be interested if you want to sell that Duley pouch @hotsoup
Cheers, my mate ended up buying it off me for his Leupolds.
I went with the vortex one, and when it turned up it is an Alaska guide creation with the vortex badge
I've gone for the kuiu harness. Really like it. Comes in 2 sizes to suit different binos. I just bought the range finder case that attaches to the harness too
I run this Badlands Bino-X magnetic pouch, has been great as I can keep a few bits in with it.
Currently takes my Bushnell 10x42 Range finder binos, wind meter, spare batteries, ear plugs and will hold a few extra bullets on the outside.
Upgrading to Approach camo so this'll be for sale when I get home in a few weeks.
Attachment 71099
Whats approach camo?
Here's the Approach Pattern @Gibo
Attachment 71105
Excuse the model, sorry state of affairs...
Added bonus of some of the Badlands bino bivys are that they have a mesh bag at the back designed to hold a hydration bladder.
Any one use the Leica case / bikini thing that comes with them? Robust ? or waste of time?
Never used mine ^
@hotsoup can you post a picture of the TwinNeedle one please. Would be nice to buy an NZ made one.
@twinneedle price and specs?
I don't think Twinneedle have released them online yet, I got my one from Sika show as a demo/tester model.. @paddygonebush
Any chance for a pic @hotsoup? I'm running around in Laos for work so bit hard to swing by the store and have a yarn to them
Best pic I got, hope this helps @paddygonebush I would consider selling it
Attachment 71218