Stumbled across this. Not my review but hopefully sheds some light... spend your $$ else where
Stumbled across this. Not my review but hopefully sheds some light... spend your $$ else where
Awesome review!
Good to see reviews like this and would be great to see more as shitty gear seems to be a bit of a problem across heaps of brands - cheap Chinese shit painted camo and being sold for big bucks (for us commoners anyway).
Its tough for the average bloke parting with his hard-earned cash on a quick tire-kick at Hunting and Fishing, wondering if that $500 jacket is a decent product, the $600 one is what he should be getting, or the $400 one is better than both of the others.
Great watch
ive watched that several times now, interesting comparing it to some others on YT by guys who have been given the gear
@Freezer - I have heard of goods being ordered from far Eastern countries, where the trial batch met or exceeded expectations. Thereafter, once orders had been received, and money exchanged, the quality took a nosedive and the company supplying the goods made it as difficult as possible to return or exchange. The retailer is left with a consignment of dud goods, and the only realistic option left to recoup some if their costs is to sell the dodgy goods on clearance. The supplierbthen finds another mug to fleece.
That's all well and good when it's a dinner plate and failure in the dishwasher just means you turf it out in the morning, but if your camp stove hose bursts and sets fire to your tent in the middle of a blizzard, customer satisfaction takes on a whole new meaning!
Chinese manufacturers will produce any quality goods you wish to pay for. Pay a decent amount and get good quality, pay a shitty amount and they’ll still produce it for you but will cut corners.
The major brands have QC at the factory for the production runs. The small brands don’t.
Macpac years ago would send QC to China for their sleeping bag run. A years worth of bags would be completed in 2-3 days.
The trap I believe for bushbuck is trying to hit their price point. They went at it from the get go to be cheap.
It’s a challenge… @hotsoup
Given bushbuck, firstlite, stoney creek, huntech, ridgeline, torpedo7 all get there gear made in the same places, all easily found off alibaba. It makes it hard to decide what’s worth paying for.
It seems to come down to quality control and a good returns warranty.
There's a saying that only a rich man can afford a cheap riflescope. When gear fails at the worst possible moment, the price can be extreme - in some cases it can even cost you your life.
Based on a review like this, would you buy a budget PLB from them, if they sold one?
The thing that irks me with bushbuck is when they have these 'HUGE SAVING SALES!!' 40% off our down jacket, $799 down to $299! Grab a deal!
Utter BS. You're paying their full RRP for rubbish
I'm constantly targeted by their advertising on YouTube and wherever else, I can't seem to avoid it
Glad someone made that point.............My son had same problem with poles piercing through tent, they replaced fly....... i wrote a review for the bush shirt on Bushbuck, was rather scathing on a few points cause i felt they needed to be said, and for the growth of the company to accept constructive criticism. They chose not to publish my findings which seems to be only available for fantastic reviews. I choose not to finance them anymore. I buy Swazi and Stoney Creek. Buy once, cry once
I've seen more MSR's bend, break, collapse, rip etc than everything else put together. End of the day it's ALL made in china just varying levels of QC, if the materials etc are the same you're only relying on QC to maybe get a better run out of something. Even the "high end" (ie: it costs so much you baby it and get a "good run out of it") stuff is all made there. Kuiu, Yeti etc are all brilliant examples of this, all their stuff is made in china, quite possibly in the same factories that stuff costing 1/4 the price is made, they spend big time on marketing so everytime you open Instagram you feel inadequate as a hunter without kuiu gears and a yeti cooler on your truck, they then spend a little extra to have another labourer on 70 cents an hour to stand at the end of the line and have a look at the stitching as it goes past and boom "high end"
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
Yes. There was a time when I was sucked in by opening Instagram and believing I had to have the flashest camo patterns etc also. Vietnam/phillipines/china. It's all the same. I'm not saying that you are getting better/worse value for money with different brands but there is a hell of a lot of people out there that think that just because they paid more for something or because it was deemed as popular or all their favourite social media stars use it then it must be the best product which is really far from reality.
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles