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  • 1 Post By kotuku
  • 1 Post By MB

Thread: Compression wear?

  1. #1
    MB is online now
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    Deerless North

    Compression wear?

    What do people get out of compression wear? I'm taking about polyester/elastane pants/tops. When you're hot it makes you hotter and when you're cold, it makes you colder. What's the deal?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    spreydon christcurch.
    well ive had probs with my lower calves ankles etc for a few years -in cases of oncoming wet weather etc they ache like 40 rancid whores swell like adernsens ego and drive me batshit .I got 2 sets of chinee compression socks from the toopdoooolllar chinee shop and bugger me they work a treat. that compression underkit to me is just a fancy version of ye old army longjohns -have two pair bloody cracker for duckshooting!
    Moa Hunter likes this.

  3. #3
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    I find they are ideal if it's not quite cold enough for longs, also if you get good ones that breath they are a god send if your hunting areas prone to sand flies keeping your extremeties covered from the bitey little cnuts !!!!!

  4. #4
    MB is online now
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    Sun/bug protection is good. Overheating/overcooling is not. What I need is a second skin.
    JoshC likes this.



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