Thanks @mopheadrob, I've had a few boots that were a perfect fit for my kiwi feet and that was the beginning of me getting back into tramping and having this problem. I now have a pair of inov-8 boots that fit great (with the extra clearance) so will try the lace locking trick that @mark_k, @quentin & others have mentioned. @No.3 has got the right idea I think re size & setup, I've got large and wide feet with med/high arch's so all these ideas are a huge help because most shops sell what they think could work-possibly without any real world experience. @Micky Duck Tomorrow I'll try a few places as I really want to find some of those funky 5 toe shoes to try on because it'll be like going barefoot/dive booties. I've seen some people doing great walks barefoot so that would be a nice compromise.
Photo of ugly feet with 1L bottle for scale.