That's a bugger about the gut, mate. Have you looked at buying a dehydrator and a vac sealer and making your own? I did a couple - take a bit of time, but bloody easy, bloody delicious, and you know exactly what's in them. I just made 1.5kg veni mince mix with tomato and veges, dehydrated it to about 50% weight, then vac sealed and froze. On the hill, just added back water I took out, stirred it up, add rice and you're away. There's a thread on DIY Dehy somewhere.
If that's not your thing, I really like GoNative. Dehy's wreck my gut, so with that and a 20% discount thru NZDA, I'm willing to accept the extra 80-100 grams per meal for GoNative. A mate tried Real meals and was raving about them. A bit too pricey for me, but could be worth a look if they are GF.