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  • 1 Post By chainsaw

Thread: Erberlestock J34 JUST ONE vs M5 RMEF TEAM ELK PACK

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Erberlestock J34 JUST ONE vs M5 RMEF TEAM ELK PACK

    Hey Guys, I was going to hijack another thread but thought best not to.

    I currently hunt with the Badlands Super Day pack which is great, however if you load it up the memory foam frame is useless and just ruins your back, and I do wish for more storage. (Other than that the packs are awesome)

    Was keen to go the Kuiu frame system way and get a day back and a larger bag for the longer journeys and interchange the frame, however don't have that sort of coin (Have an Osprey Argon for big trips, gets jobs done nothing fancy).

    Which had me looking at the two Erberlestock options:

    They both seem to tick all boxes, good frame and good capacity. I like that the J34 you can add the J2SD Spike Camp Duffel to expand its capacity which could potentially put my Osprey and Badlands packs out of action...

    My mate uses the X1 Euro and its great, just too small for me capacity wise for my next option.

    I just wanted to hear some forum members experiences and advice with these while doing the yards in NZ.

    Looking to buy now-ish.

    Also if I should be looking at something else or just bite the bullet and go down the divorce option and go Kuiu haha.

    Cheers in advance.

  2. #2
    Member chainsaw's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    The J34 Just1 are very good packs with heaps of storage and solidly constructed, handle loads well. You can compress the bag down if you want to use it as a "day pack", but still not small & downside is they are not light weight packs.

  3. #3
    Member chainsaw's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    forgot to mention ... the in-built rifle scabbards on Eberlestocks are bloody brilliant.
    sometimes1 likes this.



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