some minox are 100% german, some are filipino assembled. havent seen a chinese one so far
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Then there’s those who happily import shoddily made items from China and on sell them with no care about the safety etc of the item.
IE there were shiny custom tilt steering columns imported to NZ from China for use in hot rods - only the universal in the column disintegrated under load, rather inconvenient to say the least...
fairgo did a programme on it a few years back.....they sent someone over to suss out the how it all started over a orange n white rip off chainsaw...when they were at manufacturing plant they could order ANY label they wanted put on them copy of other makers....
that whole programme was shockingly eye opening.
Whatever you say about Chinese goods you generally get at least what you pay for. If they just did more of their cheap copies honestly they'd get more of the cudos they deserve for turning stuff out so inexpensively. But too many of them can't see beyond greed and profit, a great shame on and disservice to the rest. The slave is usually not fit to be king, and communists once they displace those hated capitalists predictably turn out worse once the boot is on their own foot.
On the other hand... to be balanced ... there were chinese companies recycling Apple goods - phones, ear buds, ipads, ipods etc - fix broken glass etc. Bitchy Sissy Apple Inc. arranged for customs in US to intercept the recycled goods on return as "counterfeit"... basically because Apple don't approve of anyone fixing their stuff. THAT also surely undermines the average Chinese person's respect for copyright law. And mine, I suppose.
My favourite is the landwind x7 which was a copy of the range rover evoque and they got caught because they launched it at the same car show as the range rover and one of the JLR reps was walking around the show and spotted it .
I actually bought one of his recon 1's and here's my experiences.
The handle itself feels just like the real thing but the blade has wiggle in it.
Also he posted the listing as a "S35VN" but the stamp on the blade says the older "CTS-XHP" so i thought he was selling an older model and accidentally put the new model descriptions in.
The screws on the knife handle and pocket clip do not tighten as if the holes were stripped
The DLC coating comes off very easily
It's a good copy but the quality is not there
Try sacking a fake Rolex, Omega etc and see how long it takes for Trademe to respond, probably minutes :D
Yet fake Atlas bipods are sold week in and week out without anyone at Trademe batting an eye.
When I was selling my genuine atlas bipods I went through all of the clearly obvious fakes, and reported the auctions for the breach of intellectual property, just so I didn't have to deal with all of the muppets putting in comments like "this is for sale for $39 elsewhere on trademe".
After almost a month, and 4 sales cycles, not a single one got removed from trademe. Total joke.