perth do it for me....tall boots so dont slop around like redbands do....the fancy pants gumboots are twice the price and I dont believe you get twice the boot for your money....99% of the time gumboots crap out where they fold between toes and ankle on the top of the boot..Ive killed bata industrials in a month.
Bata Industrial boots are made of plastic and are bad news for your feet.
I've been a red bands man since forever. I wear gummys pretty much every day. Only find red bands limiting when fishing or duck shooting when something a bit taller would be good.
Quatro boots are the ones for me. I had a standard pair for almost 9 years before they leaked, and still have the hard toe version that I treated myself to when stevedoring on log vessels in winter. Heavy AF, but bullet proof
Have had Red Bands for years, lashed on a pair of Boonies last winter. Much better in the mud & wet in winter . Keep the red bands for dry weather
Better in what way @chainsaw? Warmer? More grip?
Muck boots . Hands down the best Ive ever used.
Wouldn’t buy anything else.
Originally Posted by
Dama dama
Better in what way @
chainsaw? Warmer? More grip?
Yes better grip or tread, but biggest plus for me is the higher boot top & firmer fit around top of your calves. Helps keep the mud & shite where it belongs… on the outside. Better ankle support
Originally Posted by
Red bands or 4x4's
You run some expensive gear. LOL.
Muck boots or a good copy. Way better arch support and comfort for all day work, hunting wear.
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