Originally Posted by
Are you flying into a camp site, or are you walking in, or flying to a drop off and then walking? If the last two, too much clothing IMO.
Why 6 pairs of socks? Is it to have a dry pair each day? If putting dry socks in wet boots, they will soon be wet, or you will be in a wet creek soon enough. One pair on your feet and a spare in your pack for camp, two spare if you must.
Same with the long sleeve thermals. One wet for hunting, one dry for camp/sleeping, a third as a spare if you must.
Definitely only two pairs of long johns, one on, one dry for camp. It is tough putting them on wet but they will warm up, dry out soon enough.
Mid layer, I would lose one of the short sleeves.
Jersey - Can you replace the water resistant with a water proof?
If your tent is any good, I would also loose the bivvy bag. I certainly wouldn't be taking two tents either, the fly should give you enough free dryish space outside of the tent.