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Thread: Which fireplace for a hut?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Which fireplace for a hut?

    Hi guys
    Looking for a permanent fireplace to put in the hut.
    Ideally looking for something similar to what's in the did guys that you can chuck a pot on and do a bit of cooking but still want it to be able to take a reasonable side log and be damped down and burn for most of the night.
    Was looking at sooner of the small portable aluminum type models but thinking maybe the firebird would be too small and wind burn for the night.

    Cheers for any recommendations

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2022
    New Plymouth
    Quote Originally Posted by Remmodel7 View Post
    Hi guys
    Looking for a permanent fireplace to put in the hut.
    Ideally looking for something similar to what's in the did guys that you can chuck a pot on and do a bit of cooking but still want it to be able to take a reasonable side log and be damped down and burn for most of the night.
    Was looking at sooner of the small portable aluminum type models but thinking maybe the firebird would be too small and wind burn for the night.

    Cheers for any recommendations
    It depends on the hut size.
    There is usually a metro wee rad at most scrap dealer's with a cracked top.
    Which can be cut off and replaced but you would want a DOC sized hut for that.
    Also FB market place usually has a few worth looking at, finding one small enough is the problem.

    Sent from my CPH2145 using Tapatalk
    Moa Hunter likes this.

  3. #3
    Gone but not forgotten
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    Apr 2017
    I recently bought one of these, including the water boiler attachment:
    It is designed to be a portable camp stove, but could be set up permanently. I haven't used it yet so can't comment on how well it works.
    The permanent fires with a two level top seem to work well (there was one in the hut I was at a week ago, and I think Tahr has one in his hut? Nope, his is different), but might be too warm in a small hut, though maybe they have different sizes.

  4. #4
    Village Idjit Barefoot's Avatar
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    We have used a wagener sparky in a hut and a bach. Quite efficient but they are more of a chippie type heater so no big logs for an overnight burn (can take coal though).
    The Biggest Room is the Room for Improvement

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Stewart island / canterbury
    Mate had an adventure king one (similar but not the same as the one in link) in his house bus, they seem a bit light weight but it worked fine

  6. #6
    Gone but not forgotten
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    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by 223nut View Post
    Mate had an adventure king one (similar but not the same as the one in link) in his house bus, they seem a bit light weight but it worked fine
    Yeah, total unit weighs 19kg, and the firebox is only 1mm steel from memory.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Stewart island / canterbury
    Quote Originally Posted by Cigar View Post
    Yeah, total unit weighs 19kg, and the firebox is only 1mm steel from memory.
    Probably ok for pine and soft woods, wouldn't want to put a big chunk of rata in it

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2022
    New Plymouth
    why not try to make your own - that way its size specific to the hut you have - get sheet plate steel - cut it up weld together- we used to make our own and they worked well - you could use available chimneys -use KISS principal



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