Very informative post there mudgripz and I take on everything you said! But there may be a small misunderstanding here.. Your post seems like you think I was saying that the Courui is better than the Maxtoch's - I'm not, I think those Maxtoch's you and the blf guys have designed look awesome for the price! I just want this Courui as a host to see how much I can get out of it - I love playing around with electronics to see what I can make :P and I couldn't really do any mods with a Maxtoch because they're already good!Obviously the Courui isn't going on the scope, the modded C8 can do that job! But I like the idea of 3 parallel cells (much more simple and safe than 2 series) and that 75mm head has got to throw :cool: and weight isn't a problem with a handheld.
Anyway, just want to make it clear that I am not putting down the Maxtoch's in any way, I just want a light that isn't already 'good to go' so I can mod it :)