Any one using this soft ware package?
Seem to have issues downloiading it
Any one using this soft ware package?
Seem to have issues downloiading it
didn't think it was available for NZ, I could stand corrected (happily) though
Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!
I am sure birdseye is available for nz but you have to pay a subscription.
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
Free for a year with new Garmin,, happy with the topo maps but since it was free thought it would be interesting to install
Yeah, I've got it free with mine for a while. It's cool but you are restricted as to how big an area you can view at one time.
No it isn't. It just takes quite a while to load a particular area depending on the size so you have to keep it small. But yeah, like you say, it's still larger than you could cover in a day in the Kaimais.
Sorted it out last night, as you say you cant download a large area at all onto your device with out exceeding the download limit. would be nice if you could download the complete area.
Downloaded last night, not as good as I thought, Hard to see on my Alpha Screen and subscription is locked to one device
Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!
You can get around these limits if you're prepared to get your hands dirty. If anyone want to know how to have unlimited Birdseye-like aerial photos on their Garmin, from ANY source (LINZ, Local Councils, etc), let me know. It's not piracy - totally legit, using free software, and making changes to the firmware of your Garmin.
Final image quality is often lower than expected due to the quality of the initial aerial photo and the limits of the screen on whichever Garmin device you're using. I was disappointed with the results on my Garmin Oregon 450, but the results are much better on my newer Oregon 650, as it has a better screen. Colours still seem a bit washed out though.
Sent from my SM-T800 using Tapatalk
I would like the "How to Details" from @stretch so I can add to my Garmin Rino
Hunting is relaxing just like Yoga except I get to kill something.
If it Flies it dies and if it hops it drops.
I used to think this may have been a good idea. Now I don't see the point? Use google or something to get points of interest onto your device as a reference, to me the rest of the time should be spent with eyes on the prize. I used to spend way to much time looking at my GPS instead of the bush etc. in front of mejust my opinion of course
Just down load the maps you want and the areas you hunt. You can join bits together for bigger down load areas and overlap bits. I have huge areas downloaded on mine