+1 on Lancewood for sticks. I've recently started cutting Lancewood branches for stick making. Experimenting with different drying / treating methods. Some I'll leave untouched and dry for a year, some I am lightly sanding, some sanding and rubbing with my own BLO/ wax mixture, some BLO alone. But even green they seem pretty good, light, straight and strong
I used to laugh at people using sticks, but now I'm a convert. Not only can stop you falling down slippery slopes, but great for stream crossings, knocking dead branches / cobwebs etc out of your way, probing ground ahead to see if it's safe to walk on. Plus I can extend my reach and give the dog a nudge (not a whack) if I want him to get in behind (ie not running ahead to try and murder the other dog coming along towards us)