I stay right away from the politics around firearms. I've been 20 years out of the hobby and am only getting back into it now because of interest from my 10yo. So far the politics and law have been no hindrance to anything we have wanted to do. Getting my FAL back, purchasing firearms, joining a local club.. all easily done. Applied for FAL mid March this year, FAL card in the mailbox mid June. Rejoined the local NZDA branch in July and am ready to shoot stuff.
Either way, I'm stoked with the package I've ended up with (albeit at a cost that boarders on divorce territory) and can't wait to let it show me how bad I am at shooting after 20 years off.
You might not love the business as a whole but the actual wage earning staff at my local H&F were super helpful. And as someone that works in sales, I'm happy to give sales numbers to people that are pleasant and helpful and take the time to figure out what I need. They actually went above and beyond to get me exactly what I wanted as quickly as possible (including running around Auckland to grab the rings I wanted urgently and turning up to work early on Matariki day to boresight my package) Can't fault the lads service at all.