@Shelley What is a good diamond stone for putting on an initial edge before a traditional stone. I've always used stones which is a pain in the proverbial with a new knife. Thanks!
@Shelley What is a good diamond stone for putting on an initial edge before a traditional stone. I've always used stones which is a pain in the proverbial with a new knife. Thanks!
I would go for a dmt double sided stone diamond stone, probably 6 or 8 inches once side coarse and the other medium, it will last forever, never dish and never wear out - diamonds are forever after all.
It will set you back a couple of hundred though, and it’s definitely for metal removal, the medium will give you an ok edge for cutting through hide but the coarse side is only good for setting an edge or for chip removal.
If you got the $$ atoma is the business in diamond stones, but value for money is the dmt duosharps. The fine extra fine (green and red) is a good combo, the fine is roughly equivelent to about 600 grit so is plenty course for re establishing an edge. Only time you'd want to go courser is for reprofiling or chip removal