Got an older 60csx that I want to transfer all the waypoints to a newer 60sx model,anyone have the leads and knowledge on how to go about it,I知 technically challenged to say the least ,thanks.
Got an older 60csx that I want to transfer all the waypoints to a newer 60sx model,anyone have the leads and knowledge on how to go about it,I知 technically challenged to say the least ,thanks.
Leads can be got at a noel leeming etc....inhave always done mine with base camp on pc/laptop, import then export....alsondoes updates etc
Sent from my SM-G996B using Tapatalk
if you get up to hauraki plains you welcome to stop in and hook up to my computer and transfer everything thru basecamp
What type of plug does it take? I have the Garmin lead that fits the Oregon models, might be the same.
I also have the Mapsource software to download and upload to GPS.
Not sure will check tomorrow
These are the leads I have, the small one does the more recent models of pretty much all Garmins, the bigger one on the right is for the old etrex .
I知 just out of Hamilton and around most days, or if I知 passing your way I can call in with the laptop. It should literally be a 5 minute job to transfer waypoints and tracks.