Sup team.
I've had a Gamrin 62s I think it is, like forever, maybe 16 to 18 years, always worked for bush hunting/stalking Sika- happy with it mostly.
What I don't like is the small screen and those rubber buttons that make navigating around the screen very cumbersome. Yeah yeah I know ya can use cellphone with Topomaps, or similar, and yes I do that- but cell screen doesn't work well in the wet/wet screen and I don't want to drop/sit on/destroy my cell whilst bush navigating if there is a better way.
I'm talking bush nav here- not tops hunting.
Yes I can use a paper map and compass for the 3 people that will say that
I saw some Garmin Montana700 and etrex in HnF.
What other option is there for a bush GPS unit?