Just been thinking, does anyone else use high quality gumboot like Skellerup Quatro's, Boonies and the like for hunting? Especially all day long walking distances.
Just been thinking, does anyone else use high quality gumboot like Skellerup Quatro's, Boonies and the like for hunting? Especially all day long walking distances.
did 17ish kms today in my ashleys..workmate who chases pigs/dogs every week does the same other than in mid summer....
a set of half decent innersoles and they are great...tried the flash ones and found they were far too hot and held sweaty moisture too well. werent as grippy either.
75/15/10 black powder matters
Did a 22km walk in my Mainlander gumboots one day. It wasn't part of the plan, it just sort of happened, Forest Gump-style. They were pretty good, no sore feet! Generally though, I wear tramping boots.
Know more than a few who do the whole day in Red Band plus others in their white meat works gummies.
I wanna buy another pair of Quatro's but shiiiiiiiiit they've gone up in price since I bought my last pair 10 years ago.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
I have been using boonies last 6 months at work due to the wet ground and wet socks. Ok for what i have been using them for, in and out of a machine. But i wouldn't use them as a hunting boot they are slippery as buggery and the are a hot boot. Just gone back to a leather boot this week as its starting to dry out
I'm a bit strange, I usually just wear my redbands. I know they aren't supposed to be but for my feet they are the most comfortable thing I wear. Got hiking boots etc but just automatically just slip them on and your away...
may be sarcastic may be a bad joke
Not adverse to wearing gumboots hunting on occassion as long as not too much steep walking. Been known to wear Skellerup Perth or Quatto boots Goose shooting on Molesworth many a time over fourty year period, up to 26-30 km walks at times.
Just Googled them and compared price to my receipt, they might be the only thing in this country that has got cheaper in the last 5 years! I'd hunt in them again if I had to. Just be aware that the top of the boot noisily slaps against the shin as you walk. There's a couple of solutions, tightening the buckle on the boots (slips eventually), wearing thick pants or folding the top of the boot down. Must be common to all gumboots?
Aigle boots look good, popular in Europe for hunting, but admittedly they hunt quite differently to us and the boots come at a price.