Forum: Gear and Equipment

  1. Sticky Thread Sticky: Show me your knives

    Started by moonhunt‎, 01-03-2012 09:56 PM
    154 Pages
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    • Replies: 2,299
    • Views: 872,025
    23-12-2024, 07:21 PM Go to last post
  2. Sticky Thread Sticky: PLB EPIRB Distress Beacon - A few highly recommended MUST Do’s. To Be Repeated Again

    Started by CooeeBay‎, 26-08-2016 01:41 AM
    4 Pages
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    • Replies: 49
    • Views: 50,632
    05-03-2024, 08:45 AM Go to last post
  3. Sticky Thread Sticky: Scope mounting your Maxtoch torch

    Started by quentin‎, 17-06-2016 11:44 AM
    4 Pages
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    • Replies: 59
    • Views: 78,071
    22-08-2023, 08:14 PM Go to last post
  4. Sticky Thread Sticky: The flashlight sticky

    Started by Spanners‎, 28-09-2014 01:04 PM
    48 Pages
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    • Replies: 706
    • Views: 472,760
    15-09-2020, 10:59 PM Go to last post
  5. Sticky Thread Sticky: Helpful links

    Started by moonhunt‎, 19-12-2011 09:28 PM
    512, articles, australia, deer, doc, firearm, hunting, knife, maps, mod, modern, nova, permits, precision, rabbit, rail, reloading, satellite, sell, shooting, supplies, tent, trail, trajectory
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 19,125
    05-05-2014, 11:27 AM Go to last post
  1. Day Pack/Possum Shooting bag/pack recommendations

    Started by Dmnc6‎, 19-10-2023 11:52 AM
    ammo, away, bag, bags, cac, cactus, creek, day pack, gear, military, molle, money, north, pack, people, possum, product, round, shooting, shop, stoney creek, trigger, twin needle, weather, win
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 844
    28-10-2023, 05:59 PM Go to last post
  2. Havalon help

    Started by csmiffy‎, 06-10-2023 07:41 PM
    2 Pages
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    belt, blade, bucks, buying, costs, duck, duck shooting, edge, eel, gear, heavy, hills, hunting, knife, lightweight, permit, position, pull, rounds, sell, shooting, steel, tool, tools, weight
    • Replies: 17
    • Views: 1,411
    28-10-2023, 03:03 AM Go to last post
  3. First binoculars recommendations

    Started by veryfuturistic‎, 24-10-2023 05:37 PM
    3 Pages
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    binoculars, binos, box, brand, budget, buy, buying, case, cost, hunt, kit, kiwi, leica, level, models, money, newbie, poi, second hand, spring, swaro, target, vortex, warranty, zeiss
    • Replies: 30
    • Views: 2,458
    26-10-2023, 08:15 PM Go to last post
  4. Using a knife without scales

    Started by hamishg‎, 24-10-2023 01:44 PM
    blade, bolt, bush, buy, case, cheap, cheers, custom, deer, duck, emergency, esee, fella, grip, half, hammer, how to, knife, knives, learn, scale, scales, sharp, smaller, tac
    • Replies: 14
    • Views: 905
    25-10-2023, 09:07 AM Go to last post
  5. Stoney Creek Nitz

    Started by craigc‎, 18-10-2023 07:45 AM
    2 Pages
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    brads, cac, cactus, case, creek, dwr, gear, glassing, heavy, hunters, hunters element, hunting, jacket, jackets, long, maintenance, packs, rain, range, stoney creek, swazi, tahr, wanted, water proof, waterproof
    • Replies: 25
    • Views: 3,022
    24-10-2023, 09:52 PM Go to last post
  6. NZ Sock Co

    Started by Ross Nolan‎, 18-10-2023 12:35 PM
    • Replies: 12
    • Views: 1,361
    22-10-2023, 10:20 PM Go to last post
  7. Tent repair recommendations

    Started by hotsoup‎, 11-10-2023 03:50 PM
    2 Pages
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    • Views: 1,458
    20-10-2023, 10:58 PM Go to last post
  8. anyone using lastrite boots

    Started by Southern lite‎, 17-10-2023 10:13 AM
    boot, boots, day trip, deal, eel, forum, gear, grip, hiking, hills, hunter, hunting, iphone, leather, member, mos, otago, scarpa, tramping, trip, upper, water proof, waterproof, weight
    • Replies: 13
    • Views: 1,248
    19-10-2023, 10:21 PM Go to last post
  9. Beyond the Bic

    Started by erniec‎, 12-10-2023 04:47 PM
    2 Pages
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    bbq, burner, buy, camping, canada, death, feed, gas, heavy, henry, kit, lock, long, low, mag, pack, part, reading, reviews, shop, stocks, tool, torch, watch, youtube
    • Replies: 17
    • Views: 1,804
    17-10-2023, 09:08 PM Go to last post
  10. Carrying Knives

    Started by Three O'Three‎, 14-10-2023 10:53 PM
    3 Pages
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    backpack, bag, blade, camping, doc, double, folding, hunting, illegal, knife, knives, length, light, long, places, police, public, range, rules, sheath, tool, tools, top, transport, travel
    • Replies: 31
    • Views: 11,857
    17-10-2023, 06:34 PM Go to last post
  11. JetBoil

    Started by No good names left‎, 11-10-2023 03:48 PM
    3 Pages
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    • Replies: 31
    • Views: 2,771
    16-10-2023, 10:41 PM Go to last post
  12. Dry bags

    Started by HNTMAD‎, 13-10-2023 07:34 AM
    army, bad, bag, bags, camp, outdoors, pack, product, range, river, soft shell, tackle
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 623
    13-10-2023, 08:54 AM Go to last post
  13. Insole recommendation for hunting boots

    Started by jpurdon‎, 11-10-2023 06:35 PM
    • Replies: 13
    • Views: 1,377
    12-10-2023, 01:23 PM Go to last post
  14. Opinions on Nightforce in Real World

    Started by SikaHuntaa‎, 08-10-2023 04:49 PM
    3 Pages
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    • Views: 4,368
    11-10-2023, 12:57 PM Go to last post
  15. Talarik sling hook

    Started by MB‎, 05-05-2021 11:34 AM
    aliexpress, aluminium, black, cheap, cheers, chest, diy, hook, hunting, loads, molle, mount, pack, product, rig, selling, shoulder, skills, sling, tac, tactical, trip, video, youtube
    • Replies: 12
    • Views: 1,831
    09-10-2023, 12:01 PM Go to last post
  16. Mountain Warehouse

    Started by Steve123‎, 01-10-2023 12:03 PM
    bag, bits, brand, buy, charge, cheap, clearance, clothing, fishing, gear, hunting, hunting., jacket, jackets, kuiu, land, merino, mountain, shop, summer, target, win, winter, winter gear
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 1,068
    09-10-2023, 08:51 AM Go to last post
  17. Bushbuck Tribus 3 person tent

    Started by 8pt Sika‎, 07-08-2023 01:26 AM
    aliexpress, bivvy, bush, buy, camp, camping, carbon, cooking, fiordland, gear, hunting, lightweight, long, money, mos, msr, people, print, sale, smaller, storage, tent, tents, tramping, weight
    • Replies: 13
    • Views: 1,443
    08-10-2023, 10:05 PM Go to last post
  18. PLB story

    Started by MB‎, 07-10-2023 11:02 AM
    458, advice, button, cheers, design, duck, emergency, goose, information, mat, plb, shtf, tac
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 1,065
    08-10-2023, 09:05 PM Go to last post
  19. Stoney Creek Day Pack Whirinaki 25 ?

    Started by Ground Control‎, 06-10-2023 03:02 PM
    advice, bad, bags, bush, creek, day pack, eberlestock, gear, gun, huntech, money, pack, packs, radar, stags, stoney creek, tatonka, top, win
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 693
    08-10-2023, 10:03 AM Go to last post
  20. School me on Swags

    Started by NewbieZAR‎, 05-10-2023 10:10 PM
    2 Pages
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    • Views: 2,541
    07-10-2023, 11:28 AM Go to last post


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