Aye, exchanging knives with Virtuvice, did you send him those svords? Nice wee vid there and some good looking knives
When is he coming over for a NZ sika
Question, how do you sharpen your knives, water stones or a system of some sort?
Aye, exchanging knives with Virtuvice, did you send him those svords? Nice wee vid there and some good looking knives
When is he coming over for a NZ sika
Question, how do you sharpen your knives, water stones or a system of some sort?
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
Moonhunt, he has given me a couple, and sold me a couple too at an excellent price. You will see him test a knife on a deer soon that I gave him as a gift. Not a svord though, but NZ made. Craig cut himself badly doing a deer with one of the ones he gave me; slashed his knuckles and had quite a few stitches. Ouch.
I use water stones, (1000 -3000) and strops with black and white compound. Sometimes the 400 through to 1200 sand papers if its serious re-profiling. They are all pretty damn sharp.
I use the them all. I just take a different one hunting every now and then.