@MSL trees were standing about 40m off the side of the driveway and downhill vertically maybe 15m they fell straight down the hill so no way to roll them up, much better to drag from an end.
@tiroahunta I suspect if I drag from the middle it's going to get snagged between any trees/ vegetation left, yes putting some sort of bevel on the front face will save it digging in, may have to put it all the way round if it rolls, easier than the "skidding cones" I have seen around
@SiB I'll take you up on that offer as mine has not come too light, not sure when I'll be over in the big smoke again.
@DavidGunn similar size chain (mines still shiny) has an open eye on one end then a standard hook (able to go between the links and make adjustable loop) on the other
Cheers for all the help and advice, am a few weeks from getting started so trying to think it all through. Having to bring my old LandCruiser over to the island, bit of a cost for that but at $175/m for dry wood at the moment there is plenty of logs there to make up for it