Im in the market for a new pair of boots, and with a successful Haast ballot on the main devide this Autumn, Im thinking its worth chucking some cash at to get it right. Budget is anywhere up to $750, but for that I have the following criteria.
Lightish, I have slightly dicky knees from 20 years of rugby, and hanging a lead pendulum on my foot makes for an uncomfortable day.
Highish Ankle, I also suffer from Peronial Tendonitis, an inflammation of the tendon that wraps around under the Ankle bone, which is used for stability when sideling, so they need to help with that.
Durable, if Im spending that kind of money, they have got to last. They will also be used for farm work occasionally, but generally will try not to expose them to the yards.
Budget can stretch if something stands out, but just looking for experiences outside of the marketing material, and be interested to hear if anyone else has had to deal with that particular brand of Tendonitis and how they went about it.
Thanks in advance.