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Night Vision NZ Alpine

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  1. #1
    dog chaser distant stalker's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Macpac Prophet Jacket

    After getting sick of the cut, weight and slow drying of typical hunting jackets I have moved more towards tramping gear. I still love the stoney creek windproof for general hunting but when its pouring down I get sick of jackets that resctrict movement, get heavy then hold so much water they soak everything in your pack when you pack them away hence the move to the alpine type tranmping gear which I amf finding lighter, better fitting, light when wet and fast drying. Perhaps no good for a bush hobbit but great for me and because of the comfort I can see it getting a lot more use than the other jackets I have bought and leave lying in the shed after being worn only a couple of times.
    If somebody is looking at a jacket I would suggest considering one of these

  2. #2
    Member Meathunta's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    I second that.
    Less bulk, less weight, more effective when you need it.
    Too noisy for the bush, but an excellent option for the tops.



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