I'm wanting to know the length in mm of a bog std 98 Mainspring in the relaxed state.Also the OD & ID.Cheers
I'm wanting to know the length in mm of a bog std 98 Mainspring in the relaxed state.Also the OD & ID.Cheers
Do you need one, I've got a new Wollf 22lb if you want it . . .
It's gunna depend on the vital statistics.Thanx for the offer
@Tentman ,any chance you could run the rule over it if it is unpackaged
ID is 0.340-0.345. Wire diameter is dependant on how many lbs of primer strike you want but is 0.56 to 0.60 on the ones I have here, and OD comes from that, 0.45 to 0.46 ish. Length is usually counted by the number of turns, a normal 98 is 30- 31 turns for a length of about 150mm.
What are you trying to do? If it's a replacement spring for a rifle just measure the ID, the wire diameter and the number of turns and tell the springmaker (I've used the chap in Hawkesbay) what it's for . . . .
Cher @Tentman.Ive got a BSA with a lethargic Mainspring with glacial
lock time & weak primer strikes akin to a black powder gat.
Thought if I could sub out the original for an aftermarket 98 if compatible,I could move the set up two centuries forward