Can anyone recommend from personal experience, a good electrically drive meat mincer for processing meat for the table? Would need to be able to handle anything between 5kg to 50kg in a batch depending on what I managed to harvest at the time.
Can anyone recommend from personal experience, a good electrically drive meat mincer for processing meat for the table? Would need to be able to handle anything between 5kg to 50kg in a batch depending on what I managed to harvest at the time.
I've tried most of the domestic electric ones. They all pack up in the end.
My current one is a Kenwood 2kw and it seems to be the best of the bunch.
The main thing is to trim as much sinew out of the meat as possible. That's what kills them.
I have a Chinese hand mincer. Hardly what you'd call hard work and easy to use.
The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds
Yes, the lifespan of the domestic ones worry me, and at the price, you only have to kill a couple to warrant the extra cost of a better unit.
Tracked these down:
Tre-Spade Compact Electric Meat Mincer - Netropolitan
Electric Meat Mincer TC-8 Inox - Netropolitan
Mincer S/S meat mincer grinder sausage maker | Trade Me
Had one of these for about 5 years, sometimes mince a whole deer in one sitting, hoons through them. Gets used at least once a month, sausages are easy to fill with it as well.
So I ended up purchased one of these: Electric Mincer TC-22 EL ECO - Netropolitan
Wasn't cheap but I figured that between my two brothers and I it would pay for its self, and I cannot see if failing any time in the next 20 years. Its build like a tank. The sales guy passed comment that one customer he has purchased it for processing rabbits for his cats. He used to bone them out for his old mincer but now he feeds them through bones and all. (I thought it would be easier just to feed the cat through and be done with it....!)
Any way, processed a full size hind (minus the back steaks) in 15 minutes. Didn't bother being particular in removing any sinew. No blockages. Key for speed is to strip cut the meat so that it falls down the in-feed without having to use the plunger.
There is a smaller and slightly cheaper version but it didn't have a reverse button for clearing of blockages (not sure if that's useful yet as it hasn't blocked) and the larger one has a greater speed reduction which I am lead to believe is important for not heating up the meat (80rpm versus 160rpm).
Comes with a size 8 plate, and I bought a size 6 on recommendation. Size 8 is fine for general mince production.
Highly recommended.
I second @hotbarrels as below, I have the same mincer for my sausage making, it was well worth the purchase. I also have the Trespade sausage filler which is very solidly built.
Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Put two hinds through today. This mincer has well and truly paid for its self.
you could proably hone the cutter face down on a wetstone or some fine wet and dry on a very flat surface
myself i have a cheap 80$ trademe one, its pretty noisy but seems to churn through semi frozen meat ok. made a few batches of sausages with the attachment and that works ok too.
Mines done 6 or 7 deer and theres not a mark on the cutter or the plates as yet. They do say that you should alway match a plate to a cutter and keep them together for life. If you replace either, replace both with new.
Reviving a bit of an old thread, but thought I’d add my experience for those looking for a mincer.
I just bought one of these:
It’s a TC12 model, rated at 150kg/h and I reckon it’s perfect for the serious home butcher. Can’t say that I’d need to go up in size to a TC22… all stainless construction too which is really nice!
@7mmwsm has a mean one.
Use enough gun