Light packs don't tend to be great for hunting. Most are made for hiking not hunting. To carry a decent load out I think theres a compromise you have to accept. I've found a good mid weight pack with better support carries as easy as a light pack without noticing anything. If you plan to come out heavy it's kind of defeating the purpose anyway.
The Exped Lightning above is just shit for heavy loads (I know as I just gave mine to my kids). Hot spots all over due to poor harness design and the fucking thing squeaks like a cheap motel bed.
Cactus make a reasonable pack for heavy loads but are not light or cheap.
I've not used an Osprey but they come up a bit so should have something decent to offer, as does Tatonka.
I've recently purchased an EXO K4 but that's not cheap. It will carry more than my body will allow and sits better than any pack I've ever owned.
The shelf type system is always going to be a better load hauler for hunting situations. Kuiu, Stone Glacier, Kifaru, Mystery Ranch all in the same market. @
Tahr might chime in here. He goes through gear worse than @
and has done a few reviews on packs.