I'm looking for a mig to do a bit of welding. General farm repairs etc. And wanting to weld aluminum too.
Will this do it?
Weldtech Xm180 Pro.Mig Welder | Trade Me
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I'm looking for a mig to do a bit of welding. General farm repairs etc. And wanting to weld aluminum too.
Will this do it?
Weldtech Xm180 Pro.Mig Welder | Trade Me
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how thick and can you weld already?
dunno about welding ali with that, might need a spool/push pull gun and argon gas. beware of the max amps on the fuses in your house too, don't wana burn the walls down
id stick to tig with the ali
what about the ol arc welder to keep it simple?
Got an arc on the farm already.
Yes I can weld and alloy too. But haven't done much since moving up five year ago.
Problem around here is single phase power at low voltage
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I couldn't see any mention of what amps it is?
Don't see any reason why you could not use for alloy,but of course you would have to run argon and keep the lead fairly straight(probably 1.2mm wire min or it will just bukel without a pull hand piece) a Teflon liner, and larger tips help also.
Quick search
WELDTECH XM180 PRO Inverter MIG Welder (230V) 180 Amps
here with a spec sheet link too.
Weldtech 180A Mig Welder
Well bugger me. The top ad you have there @gadgetman says it comes with an argon regulator
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Needs AC for aliminum doesn't it?
Have to guess the size of material u may b welding for the amperage. E.g 5mm ali plates welds best at around 220amps
Hmm, well the ali welding is repairing cracks in pratley gates. I think they are 2mm tempered?
As a brand is Xcell Arc better than weldtech? I am assuming so
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I think theyre both asian machines so in that case whoever has the better service backup
BOC - Magmate 180P
This is what i recommend . simple ,light and does everything you need to . i have one and have never had a problem. only thing is it doesn't weld alli but you could get some alli electrodes for your ark. don't bother getting a TIG if you are just doing general farm work its a fussy sorta welding and just a pain in the arse really.
Pre heat 2mm lol
I have replated alloy truck decks in 6 8 and 10mm with the older version of the linked boc welder above.
Not even close to full power.
And IF you find you can't get enough heat into it you simply run a argon mix.
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if you can get close to the house with what you need to weld , the oven hot points are set at a higher trip , so wont blow fuses all the time ......
Sorry but oven "hotpoints" are not set to a higher trip. Supply to the stove itself has bigger fuses but the side outlets are still only 10A capable. Doing welding in the kitchen only makes holes in the lino.
Attachment 29254
I've just brought the above.
Pissed on 8mm, Using 1mm wire with 40+ amps to spare.
My mates old beast with Teflon liner in a 180 with 1mm will do 6mm fine.
So much Chinese welders in the market now and not all of them are crap either. Giving the Italian machines a run for their money
Yeap - some of the Chong machines arnt bad - havnt seen a pulse machine out of china though (if thats what you want)
You dont need a spool gun, a teflon liner and a shortish lead will do fine.
I dont like them either as they are aquward and heavy - and the small rolls are an expensive per kg comparatively to larger ones
You need to reverse the polarity of the earth/torch setup when changing between al and steel - some machines dont have that ability
I just leave 2 machines setup each way and has been a while since I looked at the Al machine LOL
I'm setting up a machine dedicated to Alum welding only and was wondering whether to go the spool gun way or not - so you reckon Teflon and a short straight lead is the go?
I've had no issue on 2 machines with 1mm wire and U rollers
I twisted the lead up on mine trying to find a spot where it would bird nest but was all good.
What's a good basic mig welder for steel, building trailers etc? Probably run CO2.
Or tossing up whether to get a little inverter.
BOC used to sell a green no name machine. 180A from memory.
Was really good and cheap also.
End of the day for steel most will suffice. It's all a numbers game $ wise now.
Can run co2 argon or argosheild on steel. Argon or helium? argon mix on aluminium
Don't know anything about the helium though as never used it
Stretching the grey matter but I think Helium is to do with heat.
If you are running CO2 watch for icing on the reg. If it starts to freeze a high wattage light bulb next to it can help or run a heater on it
you can get heated CO2 regs on Tardme, I got one and its ok. The only thing I find with CO2 is that the weld builds up/ stands proud more (don't know the technical term)
Stand up and be more proud?
Ya helium argon mix is used on al but I don't know in what application. Always used argon on al mig
Hey fellas. I ended up getting a mag mate 250p off trademe. But I don't have an owners manual and is quite like to have a look through one. Anyone know where to download one? I've Googled it and only come up with boc.com.au and it won't download for me
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I could have a look if any of ours still have a manual in them when i get back to work.
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Right hand side, half way down the page is a link to the manual.
BOC - Magmate 250P
for general work just use co2, cheaper and more forgiving with metal cleanliness