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Thread: Military Surplus Gear

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Military Surplus Gear

    Hi Guys

    So when i first thought to get into hunting 3 years ago now i was keen went to the nearest hunting and fishing store, brought a whole lot of shit. Boots, socks, clothing packs, first aid, etc.... I must of looked like a real green horn back then. I still feel like one now, but after reading all the knowledge and garbage from the old buggers on here i realize its not all about the price tag,brand or era your gear is from. I do only bush stalk and never done anything above the bush line, Eventually I'd like to get there.

    So, over this lock down I've been weighing up what gear i have and what i need to upgrade. And because I'm a cheap ass with 3 kids I hardly get the chance to buy brand new, the military surplus gear has really caught my attention as of late. I was thinking about making a trip to one of the stores to try out items for sizing and pick the best option available.

    I've always used a Hunting and Fishing Cyclone jacket as my heavy duty jacket. But anything more than a shower and it becomes very water logged and quickly starts to gain weight. Reading a few older threads on here I've been looking at the various military gore-tex options. https://www.armyandoutdoors.co.nz/co...erproof-jacket How many guys use these or similar for bush stalking? are they water proof? what do you do to maintain the water proofing?

    Sleeping bag i picked up a cheap rebel sports bag that has seen me survive in a hut safely but even still on a frosty night i can still feel the cold creep into the bag. So again I was thinking about military sleeping bags and found this ex-US Bag that looks reasonable by itself as a all year round bag for bush hunting. https://www.armyandoutdoors.co.nz/co...e-sleeping-bag Has anyone used one of these? or does it look like it'd cope well up in the hills?

    I also looked at these food ration packs as an over night option. Anyone given these a run on the hills?

    Is there any other gear that guys use which is ex military and found good in our bush? molle pouches? @Sarvo ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    West of Christchurch
    $50 is a rip off for a rat pack, have a look on t me there may be some on there.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    The military surplus stuff is generally used by regular forces. Special forces are often equipped with commercial gear. Having said that, surplus gear is generally robust, durable and fit for purpose, but seldom particularly lightweight or comfortable. Some gear is better than others, though and there are some real gems out there
    Occasionally an army changes their uniform and vast stocks of the old stuff hits the civilian market.
    I've had my eye on a German or Austrian waterproof jacket and will probably buy one. Bear in mind that it will almost certainly need to be treated with a wash through water repellent.
    Sleeping bags... Well, they'll keep you warm, but are quite heavy. A decent down bag can be had on Trademe occasionally for about the same money.
    As the saying goes about the MREs, or rat-packs... Meal - ready to eat... Three lies for the price of one. You can do much cheaper with less weight and more flavour by shopping at new world.
    timattalon and Rocco like this.

  4. #4
    MB is online now
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    My opinion is that military surplus up until 20 years ago (maybe less) was pretty shit. It was tough, but heavy and uncomfortable and not waterproof. I think we have benefited from the recent oil wars in this respect. The kit has got lighter and seems fit for purpose. Maybe a member of the armed forces could comment rather than a weekend warrior like myself. Anyway, I would particularly rate the British army MTP waterproofs. They do the job. They are not quiet, but can a deer hear you in heavy rain? Not super tough, but no Goretex-type material is going to be.
    Bol Tackshin and Russian 22. like this.

  5. #5
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    Good point about advances in materials since the 1990's. The newer stuff is definitely superior in many respects. I know that there are specific items out there that are rated very poorly, and they were replaced with something better for a reason.

  6. #6
    Member Max Headroom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Projects View Post
    Hi Guys

    So when i first thought to get into hunting 3 years ago now i was keen went to the nearest hunting and fishing store, brought a whole lot of shit. Boots, socks, clothing packs, first aid, etc.... I must of looked like a real green horn back then. I still feel like one now, but after reading all the knowledge and garbage from the old buggers on here i realize its not all about the price tag,brand or era your gear is from. I do only bush stalk and never done anything above the bush line, Eventually I'd like to get there.

    So, over this lock down I've been weighing up what gear i have and what i need to upgrade. And because I'm a cheap ass with 3 kids I hardly get the chance to buy brand new, the military surplus gear has really caught my attention as of late. I was thinking about making a trip to one of the stores to try out items for sizing and pick the best option available.

    I've always used a Hunting and Fishing Cyclone jacket as my heavy duty jacket. But anything more than a shower and it becomes very water logged and quickly starts to gain weight. Reading a few older threads on here I've been looking at the various military gore-tex options. https://www.armyandoutdoors.co.nz/co...erproof-jacket How many guys use these or similar for bush stalking? are they water proof? what do you do to maintain the water proofing?

    Sleeping bag i picked up a cheap rebel sports bag that has seen me survive in a hut safely but even still on a frosty night i can still feel the cold creep into the bag. So again I was thinking about military sleeping bags and found this ex-US Bag that looks reasonable by itself as a all year round bag for bush hunting. https://www.armyandoutdoors.co.nz/co...e-sleeping-bag Has anyone used one of these? or does it look like it'd cope well up in the hills?

    I also looked at these food ration packs as an over night option. Anyone given these a run on the hills?

    Is there any other gear that guys use which is ex military and found good in our bush? molle pouches? @Sarvo ?
    So far as the rat packs go, I suspect they are Portion pack foods ones rebranded for army and outdoors.

    Have a google of " Portion pack foods". Might be a bit cheaper to get from the source.

    Alternatively, get one, or find out what's in them and go to the supermarket and see if you can pick up some similar bits to make your own.
    Ronin007 likes this.
    RIP Harry F. 29/04/20

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Dont think you can go wrong with the goretex weather type gear, at least half the price and weight of the hunting brands and goretex will always have the beast waterproof ratings. Can wash with the likes of sports wash ( no detergents) and waterproof with nikwax txdirect.
    Bol Tackshin likes this.

  8. #8
    SiB is offline
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    Don’t rush into discarding what you have. The cyclone jacket from memory, isn’t rated too highly rain-wise, but a good wash in a proper detergent (non-scented wool wash is a cheap option) and then properly sprayed with a proprietary water-proofing spray whilst it’s still wash-wet, then drying properly, may well surprise you!

    Likewise the bag: I highly rate the polypropylene type fabric sleeping bag liners - not bulky, and add a significant comfort level to your bag. Buy the heavy duty one. From memory mine was about $30 or so a few years back.

    Properly looking after your gear is worth the effort. Oiling your boots, careful drying etc and decent socks significantly improve well being.

    Totally respect you’re budget conscious, and you’re right in asking - there are plenty of tricks that will help you stay warm and tasty without blowing your budget
    timattalon and Moa Hunter like this.

  9. #9
    Member Mr Browning's Avatar
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    Just remember if you go into an army surplus store, you are a right wing white supremacist extremist, because the police say you are. Watch out for the cop with the camera hiding behind the tree trying to take your picture if you go there.

    And may god help you if you have tattoos, have white skin, and have hair on the old scone less than 1mm.
    Steve123, Cordite, csmiffy and 1 others like this.

  10. #10
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    I've got that German goretex jacket from that site in size large but it's got no tail so you get a wet ass and the arms are too short plus im sure one of the arms are even shorter than the other but I do like the camo and it weighs 900grams from memory and packs up small.
    Projects likes this.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Thanks for all the answers guys, good to get some feed back on what I've said. I do day trips hunting or If I'm doing an over night/s normally from my quad bike at a hut and have a chilly bin with food and beer. But now I'm a bit more keen to start hiking into a few huts and hunting from them, then eventually get into the bivy, fly camp stuff. Baby steps to get comfortable.

    Quote Originally Posted by SiB View Post
    Don’t rush into discarding what you have. The cyclone jacket from memory, isn’t rated too highly rain-wise, but a good wash in a proper detergent (non-scented wool wash is a cheap option) and then properly sprayed with a proprietary water-proofing spray whilst it’s still wash-wet, then drying properly, may well surprise you!

    Properly looking after your gear is worth the effort. Oiling your boots, careful drying etc and decent socks significantly improve well being.
    I've thought about treating the jacket anyway along with a gore-tex jacket i might pick up. My boots this lock down have had a good clean and a good oiling waiting patiently to hit the hills again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Browning View Post
    Just remember if you go into an army surplus store, you are a right wing white supremacist extremist, because the police say you are. Watch out for the cop with the camera hiding behind the tree trying to take your picture if you go there.

    And may god help you if you have tattoos, have white skin, and have hair on the old scone less than 1mm.
    SHIT! i shaved my head part way through this lock down so she's a bit on the short side still. The half cast skin and maori / pacific tattoo's might save my ass though.

    Quote Originally Posted by FatLabrador View Post
    I've got that German goretex jacket from that site in size large but it's got no tail so you get a wet ass and the arms are too short plus im sure one of the arms are even shorter than the other but I do like the camo and it weighs 900grams from memory and packs up small.
    Yeah i thought if i went into the store to try out the jackets available it might save me a situation like this. What does it go like in the rain? have you treated it at all since owning it?
    Mr Browning likes this.

  12. #12
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    Dec 2011

    I bought one of these jackets two years back for $50 at the sika show and thought not too much about it but since then its my favourite jacket and goes on every trip, packs down to nothing, wind proof, waterproof... love it!

    I wouldn't hesitate buying the flectarn one you mention!

    ECWS sleeping bag... you normally buy them off e-bay as its the US military sleeping system which comes with a bivvy bag and if you can get the bivvy bag... great peice of gear. the system also comes with a bigger and a thinner sleeping bag depending on the environment your sleeping in from tropical to arctic but the sleeping bag you mention is the middle one... its bulky and when i slept in one in a hut... i could still feel the cold so i had to wear additional clothing layers.

    When looking for a sleeping bag, obviously you need to look at what minimum temperature it can be used in as well as how compact it can squeeze down too... we recently bought a new exped sleeping bag just before lock down which ticks all the boxes but we haven't used it yet.

    Ratpacks, they can be bulky, heavy and expensive... I used them years ago and wouldn't even bother now, just grab individual items you need from the supermarket.

    aliexpress has also been a good place to buy stuff from with titanium cookers, pots, collapsible cups etc

    Trade Me has also been a good place though you just need to keep watching until something pops up that ticks the boxes
    Projects likes this.

  13. #13
    Member 300_BLK's Avatar
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    You have to remember that all military kit is bought from the lowest bidder ...

    Trust me it’s pretty average gear.
    ebf, Tommy, Bol Tackshin and 3 others like this.
    Warm Barrels!

  14. #14
    Member Max Headroom's Avatar
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    Some military surplus gear is worth having, it's just a matter of picking the stuff that works for you. I have a pair of much loved desert camo pants that I've worn every summer for 16 years.

    Also got some carhartt insulated bib overalls from Army and Outdoor supplies which are first class for cold conditions when I'm not moving around much.

    Just research what you want on a case by case basis.
    RIP Harry F. 29/04/20

  15. #15
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    a good own bag is priceless on a cold night.....a cheap liner from the warehouse $10-15 will boost your bags warmth and keep bag clean....will double as meat bag in a pinch,keeps flies off during day....not so good to sleep in afterwards though...washing is definately recomended.
    waterproof coat that is noisy,wear it under a thin polarfleece when bush stalking...Ive got a grey nylon bumfreezer top with front zip..it was a giveaway 30 years ago...kept my core warm and dry on more occasions than I can count....fits in a coffee cup...weighs nothing.
    gott a DPM coat ex NZ army..had it for years...a good sports wash and waterproofing helped no end...but its bulky....got a cabelas soft shelled camo coat,lightweight but waterproof after a treatment,quiet in bush but cold.....
    my bivybag is about 50years old...milserp...ok in drizzle and semi ok in anything more...it does boost warmth by huge amount and keeps bag clean.
    boots...ashley laceups are the bizo for bush stalking....see SARVO if you want something with more ankle support etc for pack carrying or tops hunting.
    mess kit...3 piece aluminium used it for 30 years....
    hexi cooker frame
    MOST of us will have used a milserp rifle at some stage.
    Max Headroom likes this.



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