Isnt the Leupold one just the base model Alaska guide creations one?
Isnt the Leupold one just the base model Alaska guide creations one?
I had one and the lid opened up towards your chest not away from you and it was garbage. I see they have changed it on the new models
When did they bring these out? Wonder if they’re any good?
@McNotty they had a deal at the sika show this year on the 45l combo. it was a good deal what i remember. might of been $100 0ff.
staff were busy and i was meant to get back to ask some question about it I was very interested and yeah well slip my mind and i missed out
But interested in feed back if any ones running one
I reckon the states has the advantage of 10 million hunters buying new packs every year so that can keep developing and MARKETING the latest and greatest.
1. Kifaru
2. Exo
3. Mystery Ranch
All top quality and game changers. Bottom 3 trying to gain the same reputation as Kifaru.
Why have kiwis not been running these packs since the early 2000s…because you’re all tough as nails compared to the rest of the world!!!
IMHO nothin beats taking a pack frame back for the last 3 trips!!
Joe S.
Looking at the size of that elk’s head relative to your back and assuming you’re not 5’6”, that is a big animal and great set of antlers.
Having hauled out moose, I understand the weight difference between reds, fallow and elk/moose.
NA game regs requiring bring out the whole animal have incentivised pack development for these applications.
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That elk is in Nelson Hunting and Fishing. A moose makes an elk seem like a yearling goat. Almost threw my back out just thinking about a MOOSE!!