Older MSR tents have a bit of problem with the seam tape degrading and flaking off the fly and the tub. Made the floor very sticky - got mine when i lived in village of chch 2014 ish.
MSR agent told me to either wipe seam with isopropyl alcohol then reseal with gear shed sealant plus tenacious tape OR give them hundreds of $ and i could have a new fly - its a nxs hubba hubba one person.
So i gave the sealant a go after a lot of cleaning with the isopropyl alcohol- used two tubes on the fly and floor tub. Tricky cause light weight material just wants to stick to sticky. The stickiness was a problem made parts of the fly stick together. Hmmm I know a powder so of to M10 and got some talcum powder non scented of course didn’t want to smell like a floral arrangement out on the hill ! So covered all seams and my very sticky floor with talc and problem sorted.
Now for testing- put it up in the back yard (while it was raining to see if i could do this and keep rain out - yup!)
Left it there for forever or more precisely 2 months of a wet Auckland winter which will test most flys and rain coats s and not a drop got in!
$50 bucks on goo n tape vrs $500 for a new fly warms the cockles of my tight arse ❤️