New ultra lite bush build - your thoughts?
Hi guys, I’m planning on embarking on an ultra lite bush build. Yes I have a limited budget so carbon barrel is out lol.
So here’s what I’m thinking:
Howa superlite in 308 1.5kg or less if I shorten the barrel..
Shorted barrel… what length?
Alloy rings - ideas? Weight?
My own custom carbon wrap stock 450g with butt pad. (Why not use the one that comes with it? Well for starters the comb is way way too low, especially due to the rail height and then rings on top. It also has flex. The bottom inletting is also poor and my friend who supplies them has broken mag/trigger plate with 2turns still to go on the action screws… also had 2 stocks he sent back that screw holes were on too much angle and wouldn’t engage the action.
Do I need a bipod? Thinking not but your thoughts?
Leupold vx1 scope 275g
Maniatis alpine suppressor 270g
So we are at an estimated 2.5 kg or there abouts
So if I was shooting that I’d want light projectiles cause I hate recoil.. but this isn’t a target rifle and will only shoot animals, am I being soft?
Are my maths any good?
Other options?
Old school guys would do open sights and no suppressor.. but I want to shoot out to 300 and I value my hearing…
Any last requests?