Years ago , maybe 20yrs , my main knife was getting re-sharpened by a mate at the freezing works , and had no sharp blade , and needed one to gut a few goats with , so looking around I picked up a Tajima box cutter I had lying around , worked real GOOD , but it did rust quick , But it was cheap .
I have just brought a expensive modern scarpel version , made by Gerber " China " , called the "Virtal " , its a folder , and takes Gerber blades or Havalon #60 blades , looks neat .
Plus is its a available & cheapish , its light & the blade retaining mech is spring loaded & its able to replace the blades with OUT needing to use pliers like the Havalon , downside is the back locking is not as robust as the liner lock , BUT should not be that important , as you will not be using the blade top .
Just be aware if ordering blades for it , its the #60 ( these are the thin original scarpel blades ) , the #60A blades will not fit as these are 20% thicker , made for the Havalon " Torch " series & are thicker to better cope with dressing big beasties .